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Initiation Isn’t Like Anything Else You’ve Ever Done

Occultists Hijacked the Language of the Initiates

I often say on my blog that the occultists in power hijacked the language of initiation. What do I mean by that? Initiates were calm, unconditionally loving, and caring people; they used their minds as they were designed…from the inside out. There was nothing fake about them. They were freedom lovers, and that freedom wasn’t just for themselves. Sometimes the initiates had positions of power; they were benevolent leaders who gave freedom to all. They brought out the best in people. They were also great exposers of false beliefs. 

The best example of an initiate leader, and the easiest story to obtain, can be found in the story of Jesus in the Bible. But that story was hijacked by the occultists, just like every other myth and story from the ancient world. The story was changed to suit the needs and false desires of the occultists in power. These occultists gained more and more false power over time by slowly infiltrating people’s minds. People ultimately came to view life from the same perspective as the occultists. 

The occult point of view was and is dual. It was originally divided into the esoteric secrets, which were just for the inner-circle elite; the physical and undesirable opposite, i.e., exoteric, was projected on to everyone else. Both esoteric and exoteric were false back then, and they still are today. Esoteric thinking is more like New Age or eastern philosophy; it’s very mentally or spiritually focused. Exoteric thinking is more like religion; it’s very physically focused and faith based. They are two sides of the same triangle bottom. Neither are true.

Over time, everyone came to see the occult illusion as normal and even true; and the elite all looked like Gods. Of course, the elite pushed that narrative by saying that they had the right bloodline, they were chosen by God, or they had divine authority. They had the secrets to life. The people bought this lie hook, line, and sinker; and most people are still buying it today. Once we accept this big lie, we ignore our own True Selves. So it was as if the True Self individually and collectively was tossed into the proverbial closet. 

The people didn’t protest against the horrors of the illusion because they thought that was how life was supposed to be. They accepted the notion that God was watching over them, judging them, and rewarding and punishing them. In truth, it was the human fake leaders, often referred to as Lords, who were doing that. People accepted the triangle bottoms of superior and inferior…powerful and powerless. The normal people put themselves off the shitty side of every triangle bottom. This is how the the elite were able to literally lord over everyone. It is very important to use the triangle process to let such second-cause pairs of opposites go. Every bit of the occult narrative was a bold-faced lie; today, nothing much has changed. The occultists are still fueling the same lies. Only the people and circumstances have changed. 

This is good news and bad news. The good news is that when you let go of a belief individually, you are also escaping the collective mindset. When you let go in the present, you are letting go for all time. So if you believe in karma, you undo it by letting go. Then you realize that karma was also a big lie. The bad news is that these beliefs have a lot of believers and are very longstanding; so you must be persistent and willing to do whatever it takes to let them go. I provide as much support as I can; but I can’t let go for any other person. I can only expose what’s false, which makes it easier to see through the occult lies and let go. If I expose something as false, you know that I’ve let it go and lived to tell about it.

The occultists began their rise to power thousands of years ago. The Bible is not the word of God; it is meant to be a full-circle story. Most of the stories in the Bible were originally told by initiates; they’re exquisite metaphors for how the mind works. Sadly, the initiates’ stories were hijacked by the occultists; and that brought us to the religious views that exist today…both esoteric and exoteric. The occultists put their spin on the Bible stories, and the initiation component appeared to be lost. The Old Testament provides the mental history of the beginning of the illusion as manifested by the false God of Moses and his followers, the Jews; the New Testament was meant to be the way out of the illusion, or initiation. But the New Testament got hijacked by the occultists, who didn’t want to lose their fake power; so they changed Jesus’s story from a story of initiation to a story of martyrdom. That was a big setback for the people of earth. 

The fall is a real thing, but it was mental…not physical. In the fall, people turned their focus outside of their mind, and away from their True Self; they started following false leaders who were Moses-like. Moses was a tyrant, just like the tyrants we see today. He used trickery and occult magick to fool his people just like the fake news does today. He demanded that the people serve him because he said that he was divinely appointed by God. He was basically a dick…a false leader of the worst kind. In street gang terms, we’d say that Moses punched down on the people in feminine roles…those who didn’t have power and authority. But if you know any deeply religious people; they hold Moses in mind as a role model. That’s why we still have the same types of leaders today. People become like the people they follow. If you follow dicks, guess what you become?

Jesus was different. Jesus said to never follow such leaders. He said that God was within. Jesus represented true initiation. In the Gold Circle and Golden Gateway (which used to be the Creative Leadership program), I take the Bible apart piece by piece, and I prove exactly what I’m saying. I expose Moses as false, and I decode what Jesus was actually saying to us so that we could experience initiation again. My decodes validate everything I’ve written. I’m never channeled a word of what I’ve written. It all came from research, letting go, direct experience, and ultimately the marriage of logic and emotion. 

You have no idea how much I’d love to share those decodes with the world. My heart beats through every word of them. When we find our True Self’s point of view, we so want to express it. That’s what we were naturally designed to do. It took me decades to do those decodes; and I put myself in very uncomfortable places and circumstances in order to do them. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to excavate the occult lies. I share everything I’ve learned about letting go. I hold nothing back with anyone. But sharing the decodes at this time would not be good for others. Too many preachers, ministers, rabbis, gurus, and priests are still stuck in the illusion. They still think that you can learn the truth; and they view themselves as teachers of the truth. When people teach “the truth,” it becomes false. It’s like wine that has turned into vinegar. My decodes are written to take an initiate on a letting go journey; so they are useless, or even harmful, to someone who doesn’t know how to let go. 

So I can’t do what I want to do at this time. But I do make those decodes available to people who have been letting go. That’s why the decodes are behind a paywall…the Golden Gateway. No one can join that program who has not done the Gold Circle. So I know that the people who join the Golden Gateway do want freedom, and they can let go. I also know that they have enough compassion that they will not do something that would harm another. I know that they are willing and able to expose false if they have to; I’m not saying that it would be easy for them. Exposure of the occult illusion is pretty damn scary for most people, even people in my programs. Too many people want to keep their religious point of view. Too many people still think that the Bible is the word of God, as if God spoke in words and wrote books. Such people have free will to hold those beliefs in their minds. I have no right to tell any other what to put in or take out of their mental container. But if I can help others to get free, I do want to do that. So I walk a very fine line; and I do ONLY what I’m inspired to do. At times, what I’m inspired to do doesn’t even make sense to me until I gain some hindsight.

This macrocosmic transition from leadership by initiates to leadership by the occultists was a metaphor for the microcosmic transition whereby our false mind slowly took the lead individually and collectively, which pushed our True Self/Mind into the background. People started thinking from the outside in, which is backwards…not from the inside out as our mind was designed. That hasn’t changed. Today many people are putting positive, spiritual, or politically-correct words into their minds; that is still outside-in thinking. Those words might accurately describe the True Self; but by putting such words into their minds, they are trying to make their false self into their True Self. That’s impossible. They’re still adding to their minds; they’re not letting go or subtracting from their minds. 

In my programs, I watch people struggle to make the shift toward the inner-directed mindset; for nearly everyone, being outer directed is a hard habit to break. I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and make it easy for them. I know how badly they want freedom. But the occult did a very good job of training us to use our minds backwards. Often by the time someone finds initiation, they’ve been holding on to beliefs as true and following others for decades, or even lifetimes. 

So be easy on yourself with regard to letting go; initiation takes time and patience. If you become angry at the time it’s taking to free your mind, it will take even longer. The best way to alleviate that anger is to expose the people who programmed you as false…the politicians, doctors, healers, therapists, scientists, and gurus. They are the cause of all problems, suffering, and even disease; but most of them don’t realize that they are the cause. Their minds were programmed too. 

This transformation, which caused us to view the occult illusion as true, has been like a slow boil; it has happened over a very long period of time. As knowledge replaced wisdom, faith replaced inner knowing, and education replaced common sense, the illusion became more solid and appeared to be more true. As time went on, fixing physical effects, instead of removing the mental causes pushed by the medical and psychiatry systems were like high-test fuel for the illusion. Even general science is now fueling the illusion and the globalists’ nefarious agenda. The occult way of viewing life has been like a giant pyramid of power that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Of course, this mental pyramid of power is not to be confused with the amazing physical pyramids. But that’s a story for another day.

We can see this mental pyramid structure clearly in organizations of all sorts from corporations, governments, religions, the military, and the justice system to condo associations and school boards; even some family units have pyramid structures. People rise to the top of a mental power pyramid over time based on their service to the organization’s leadership and the goals of the organization. When we are caught in any pyramid of power, we do not expose the leaders as false; we obey them and get rewarded, or we rebel against them and get punished or banished. There are no free people in any pyramid of power.  Obedience and rebellion is another triangle bottom to let go. These persistent and widely-believed triangle bottoms don’t disappear in a day. You have to chip away at them over time.

Pyramids of power are all based on win-lose thinking, not win-win thinking. Today there are even financial pyramid schemes, which are based on the same occult pyramid structures. The people at the bottom of the pyramid scheme do all of the hard work selling overpriced products; those at the top reap all of the rewards based on their ability to recruit, i.e., manipulate and lie to others to get them to join the scheme. The downline that is created allows the top achievers to project on the bottom dwellers. The bottom hopes to one day rise to the top so they can also project on a downline. It’s a textbook occult scheme. 

I’m not saying that any of these people are bad or evil; I don’t believe in good and evil. We all play in the illusion until we choose initiation. We all have a story to live and that story can take one life or hundreds of lives; it’s our choice. Normal people don’t realize that they’re fueling the occult by holding on to belief systems. But if you are here reading my blog, you probably do want freedom. So you need to know that these organization do not support freedom so you cannot trust them, you should not join them, nor should you believe anything they say or do. When people treat these organizations as false and worthless, which they are, they will disappear. I can assure you of that. They need us far more than we need them.

Words and Spelling

Words were the keystone for the occultists’ rise to power; it’s no accident that the word “spell” is connected to words. The occultists view words as spells. These false leaders choose their words carefully; and people go into a sort of hypnotic spell or trance with occult leaders when they speak. They take in the leader’s words without discriminating because they like what the leader says. The followers believe that they are hearing the truth expressed in words from the leader; but the occult leader knows that people will follow them if they say what people want to hear. They don’t mean what they say; they are just saying it to get power, money, and fame. They are offering things that you can only get permanently by freeing your mind; and they aren’t talking about letting go. So they are making a promise that they can’t and won’t keep. We don’t want to take their so-called truth into our minds; when we add to our minds, we add to our false self, which covers up our True Self. Our True Self is whole and complete. There is nothing that we need to add to it. This is all very simple and logical. It is not rocket science.

Occultists know how to manage appearances very well. They’re clever at getting people to blindly trust them; and using projection, they get people to overlook their nearly constant and blatant hypocrisy.  People often believe that gurus, spiritual teachers, motivational speakers, and progressive leaders are True Selves; but they’re not. I call them clones because they look and act like True Selves, but they aren’t True Selves. They wear very attractive social masks. Traits like truth, spirituality, equality, unity, and even optimism are qualities that we do find in every True Self. But a True Self would never tell you to learn or develop those qualities. They’d know that you were born with those qualities. That is how you expose these charlatans as false; they tell you things that you knew and were at birth.

Occultists always project; so we always get the bad end of the stick (or triangle bottom) when we believe them and trust them. If we don’t believe them, however, their projections boomerang right back at them. Thus exposure, and non-belief, is what ultimately brings down the illusion; and those who have stolen the clone thrones within the illusion will go down with the illusory ship. The occultists are nothing without followers holding them up. Here’s a physical metaphor for initiation: When we start taking stones out of the bottom of a pyramid, we eventually bring the whole thing down. The same thing happens in a pyramid of power except we’re removing beliefs, or lies, instead of stones.

It is noteworthy that the word occult contains the word “cult.” A cult leader is nothing without his or her followers. The followers of the cult leader give their power to the cult leader’s belief system at the expense of their own True Selves. In addition, the cult leader projects the undesirable side of his triangle bottom on to the followers. So the cult leader (and I include all gurus in the bucket labeled cult leaders) gets a double win; and the followers get a double lose. This is why they say that you must kill the Buddha to become like the Buddha. You have to stop believing the false leaders who teach beliefs; your belief in their belief system empowers them, not you. 

In initiation, we don’t share beliefs; we expose them ALL as false and let them all go.  Then everyone lives from their True Self. I get no power from anyone; and I also don’t project on the people I support. I’m just a normal person who is also letting go; I share my successes and failures so that others can walk more quickly and easily down the initiation path. Personally, I let go using the Three Steps until I love everyone unconditionally; once I love someone unconditionally, it helps them to bring up their false beliefs so they can let them go. If they let go, and it is always their choice to do so or not, they eventually come to think like themselves again; they do not think like me unless they go against my very strong warning and copy what I say. I remind people all the time to use my words as a catalyst for letting go. Don’t learn what I say; don’t add any more knowledge to your mind. 

Today we see plenty of examples where words are being used to trick people, such as the relabeling that took mentally-regressive political policies and labeled them “progressive.” Communism and socialism aren’t progressive; anyone who things that progressivism is a good thing is very deeply stuck in the illusion. The occultists took beliefs and false desires from a very old world order where the few rule over the many, and they relabeled their vision the “New World Order.” They want globalism because they are so selfish as to want to rule the whole world. Likewise, the New Age is not new, it’s the old age before organized religion came into being but after the initiates had the most power. Positive thinking and saying affirmations is not actually positive; it’s a way to project the unwanted side of the triangle bottom on to others. I could go on and on. The relabeling trap is used because it works. 

Patriarchal and Matriarchal are Two Sides of the Collective Triangle Bottom

Prior to the patriarchal point of view, which many of the so-called woke (more relabeling since the woke are the most asleep) today refer to as toxic masculinity, there was the matriarchal point of view that was also very false. The New Age, self-help, progressivism, alternative healing, therapy, feminism, social justice, and more have risen out of the old matriarchal point of view. In the patriarchal point of view, we tend to lead with logic; in the matriarchal point of view, we tend lead with our emotions. In truth, logic and emotions were meant to work together as a team in our inner alchemical marriage. In fact, the current patriarchal point of view was a failed attempt to fix the very harmful matriarchal point of view. We are dodging this same bullet today.

An initiate leads with their masculine mind because the masculine mind is naturally assertive. The feminine mind is naturally receptive. If one person is throwing a ball (asserting) and the other is catching the ball (receiving), the person throwing is leading. The person catching the ball must adjust to the person throwing it. That just makes logical sense. In matriarchal thinking, however, it’s like the receiver is asking the thrower to adjust to wherever they want the ball to land. Thought is assertive; emotions are receptive, and they are meant to be used for discrimination. So in matriarchal thinking, you have people who claim that others are responsible for their emotions when they are the one who is asserting. When we are asserting, and we feel emotions, we are holding the mental cause of those emotions in OUR own mind every single time. 

The feminine mind is where we NATURALLY discriminate. Our feminine was designed to keep our masculine mind in line. That has not happened in modern times. Feminists want to be men, and they fight for masculine roles; they have not done their job of exposing false. So in matriarchal-dominant times, the illusion typically grows. Then the pendulum swings, and the patriarchy bring the illusion back into line. But neither group ever destroy it. Note that this has absolutely nothing to do with physical gender or sex. But if people understood this, all of those weird and totally false gender issues would be gone. They all come from matriarchal thinking. 

An initiated one would be a true patriarch, who would listen to the feminine and trust the feminine discrimination. The true patriarch would never dominate or control others; they would not have an aggressive or warring mind. They would assert their win-win-for-all vision into the world; and it would be a joy for others to help them create that vision. That’s how those beautiful pyramids and other ancient buildings that we can’t build today were erected. Being feminine to a true masculine leader is wonderful. Such a leader will bring out the very best in us. I’ve had that experience, and there is nothing like it.

The matriarchal time period of history is what came right after the MENTAL fall. That’s when the illusion was first manifested; and so the earth no longer appeared to be the Garden of Eden. It’s all in the Old Testament of the Bible. But like the True Self, the Garden of Eden didn’t go anywhere. You can’t destroy anything that’s true. Believing in the illusion is like wearing a blindfold. The world is still around you, but you can’t see it until you take the blindfold off. Once we believe in the illusion, we see it until we remove the blinders, i.e., beliefs, from our mind. 

Here is what you need to know.  Every belief system contributes to an aspect of the illusion. The True Self doesn’t have even one belief; but it does use first-cause (nonjudgmental, physical, and win win) knowledge in order to create. When we create in first cause, we’re outside of the illusion. So creation will be easy once we escape the illusion because the illusion was founded on the curse of hard work. 

First-cause knowledge is useful for our survival…building, farming, sewing, cooking, etc. It’s physical knowledge. That being said, first-cause knowledge can be very sophisticated, like we see in beautiful fashion, furniture, cars, or architecture; we don’t have to live like cavemen in order to live from first cause. Throughout history, first-cause information was shared by mentoring and apprenticeships. In first cause, there’s no sharing of beliefs; the master of a task helps the apprentice to learn the task. Second-cause knowledge, on the other hand, has been taught primarily by religion, government rules and laws, and education. Of course, the internet has turned the sharing of second-cause knowledge into a virtual pandemic.

From the standpoint of initiation, it’s a good thing that the New Age, the New World Order, and other old belief systems have come up to the surface for our review; but people are once again accepting these beliefs as new and true. They aren’t discriminating and rejecting what is false. Many people reason that old beliefs were better than new beliefs. That’s not true. No beliefs, our mindset prior to the fall, is much better than even one belief or even the sweetest of beliefs. Beliefs put us on the triangle bottom. All beliefs are dual. There is no exit from the triangle bottom without letting go of both sides of any belief from our OWN mental container. In initiation, we let go when old beliefs arise from the shadows, both individually and collectively.  In that way, we use the world around us to support our quest for freedom.

Here’s another modern trap. Today people are doing some of the same research that I did over thirty years ago. It’s easier now because we have the internet. But most of these researchers (and the same goes for seekers, channels, psychics, or prophets) are making a huge mistake. When we research, we should ONLY look for what’s false…never ever research to find the truth because the truth when expressed in words becomes false. Books that tell us the truth of life are all false. 

I have a huge library in my condo that I accumulated during the days of my research. Many of those books contain old myths and stories. I have many Bible translations. I have books that explain different belief systems from around the world. I have occult texts that allowed me to see how the occultists used their minds. I love books. I love understanding others, even the people who are deeply stuck in the illusion and don’t want out. I want to unconditionally love everyone; understanding others gives me the compassion to achieve that desire. But the books that I will NOT keep on my shelves are books that explain the truth in words; they are worthless. They sound like a first-grade reader when you know your own True Self. I won’t even donate that crap; I just dispose of them. They’re trash. I expose a lot of the popular “truth” books in the Gold Circle. Most of those books are found in the genre of New Age or were written by current eastern gurus. People often tell me that their guru is saying the same things that I say; they are brainwashed to think that. I would bet my last dollar that their guru has not taught them how to let go or how to discriminate; if that guru taught them how to discriminate, they would discriminate with the guru and run away as fast as they could.

We were all born with the truth (True Self) inside of our minds. So we don’t need to learn the truth; we need to unveil it. We need to take off our masks and express our beautiful True Selves to the world. Always remember the banner of this site (shown below). It’s the key to initiation. It’s the key to discriminating between the con artist clones and the people who truly have your back.

If we need to get the truth from another, then we aren’t listening to our own True Self. So we need to let go until we feel inspired from within again. If we put “the truth” into our false mind in the past, we need to let that truth go. You can’t let go of your True Self, and if you let go of the truth from your false mind, your True Self will come back out of the closet. It’s that simple; people make it hard because they fear letting go of their memorized truth. After you clean the words of truth out of your mind, you will be in the illusion but not of it; you will find yourself exposing false just by living your life, and you won’t be able to help it. You will prove beliefs and belief systems wrong by your very existence. 

This is an awkward time in initiation. I used to expose beliefs as I lived my life, and I didn’t understand what I was doing. People said that I made them emotional or envious. I didn’t know how to stop that from happening. I thought there was something wrong with me. But their emotions and envy were caused by their thinking of me, not my thinking of them. I was exposing the false beliefs in their mind without realizing what I was doing. If they had known how to let go, I would have been a pure godsend as I pushed their false beliefs up to the surface where they could let them go. But they didn’t know how to let go; they didn’t have a clue.

I couldn’t get upset with people for thinking that I caused their emotions. They were outer directed; they had been trained to use their minds backwards. They didn’t even know the causal belief was in their own mind. I was able to let go, but I didn’t know how I did it. It was natural for me. So I went into their illusion, took on their beliefs as true, and I figured out how to escape their illusion. I did this many, many times with a large variety of people with different belief systems. Then I wrote whatever I discovered. Now I don’t feel bad when I cause people’s beliefs and the related emotions to arise. If they want freedom, I’m doing them a huge favor. If they don’t want freedom, then we won’t enjoy being around each other anyway. They’ll just want me to believe their beliefs; and I’m never going to do that.

While marinating in the illusion, I came to understand that people had been trained by occultists to hate their own True Selves; and so when I followed my inspiration, I brought this painful psychological reversal to the surface for others. While creating the Gold Circle, I often saw someone’s inciting incident…their own personal fall moment in their story. I could reveal exactly what they needed to let go; it was obvious to me. I don’t do that anymore. I did it enough to reveal all the different ways that people fell into the illusion; then I was inspired to stop. I wrote about all of that in the Gold Circle. Now I realize that I stopped for a very important reason. When you get free, you want to be able to say, “I did this myself. I know how I got stuck in the illusion, and I know what I let go to get out.” 

The Occult Origin

Let me explain the origin of the occultists. It will help you to make sense of all of this. The occultists have always been frauds. The occultists were failed initiates who desperately wanted the true power of the initiates, but they couldn’t get it. Their minds were too polluted; for some reason, they couldn’t or wouldn’t let go of their beliefs. So these frauds copied the initiates both physically and verbally. They hijacked the initiates’ words and stories. They copied the things the initiates did naturally and turned them into practices, rituals, and ceremonies. 

Initiates wrote stories using the True Self’s language…the language of metaphor. They mentored others through stories; they didn’t impose beliefs on the candidates for initiation. The occultists turned the initiates’ metaphors into symbolism; they made the initiates’ stories physical and literal. That’s what they still do today. Metaphor is temporary; symbolism is permanent. Metaphor is life giving; symbolism is grave and death giving. Honoring any symbol is like tying yourself to the illusion for life until you die. 

To get free, we have to let go of all beliefs in symbolism. A logo, icon, or symbol should look like nothing but a shorthand way of communicating. It should have no beliefs attached to it. As I let go while decoding ancient stories, all of the symbols in the stories lost their false power; they transformed into meaningful metaphors. The metaphors were validation that I had let go. This wasn’t something I planned would happen; it’s just what happened. 

I came to realize that there was a time when the initiates led the people; and life on earth was like the Garden of Eden. People didn’t communicate or act in second cause like they do today. The occultists invented second-cause beliefs, which was the beginning of the fallen mindset. Initiates built beautiful things; over time, however, occultists made those things their own. Occultists took everything associated with initiation and turned it into their power tools. They put their meaning and beliefs on to the places and possessions of the initiates. 

Over time, the occultists convinced the people that they wanted to follow them, and even be like them, not the initiates. Occultists are like Hollywood stars; they shine very brightly. But that shine is fake. The shine comes only when they can projected out their shadow on to others. The occultists accomplished their goal of gaining power over everyone in two ways that are still used today in all forms of marketing. They offered to relieve people’s emotions or to fix their problems, or they promised the people a false desire. People started to want the fruits of the illusion, not the fruits of their True Selves. They were now eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, i.e., second-cause thinking; they were ignoring the Tree of Life, i.e., first-cause thinking. 

The people started to ignore the initiates as they came to ignore their own True Selves. The macrocosm and the microcosm are always a match. So the initiates backed away. They felt that it was important to let people see what they were manifesting with their occult beliefs. People did see what they were manifesting, and it was horrible. They were living in an illusion of suffering that looked real and true. But they had lost all memory of the True Self and Eden. They believed the occultists who said that we fell permanently, and there was no way back to Eden. They believed the religious liars who told them that they would see heaven after death, or they’d get a better life next time if they were obedient and good. It’s was a giant, worldwide scam. The people had no choice but to accept the illusion as real and therefore true. They made the best of a bad situation. This giant error is what we reverse in initiation. 

We still have books like the Bible, other spiritual texts, and so-called myths that were written from the True Self point of view using metaphor. These books are available to anyone, but we see what we believe with such “living writing.” Living writing is writing that changes along with the change in the reader’s point of view. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder; but the ugliness is also in the eye of the beholder. When the reader has an illusory point of view, they see proof that their illusion is true when they read such living texts. However, when they let go, they see validation that what they thought was true was actually false.

Sadly, occultists have trained children for thousands of years to think like they do…literally and physically. Religion and school are all about indoctrination into the occult mindset. Today many people think that other Bible books will be revealed, and those books will contain the truth. But if the readers view those new books with the same literal/physical mindset, those books won’t do them any good. In fact, those books will fuel the illusion even more. The occultists set up their scheme to win; and they blocked all the exits. 

When our mind is free, we won’t depend on a special book or a special guru. If we like books, we will use them to discriminate. Words and writing are not inherently bad; if we use anyone’s writing as a catalyst for freedom, i.e., for exposing the false beliefs in our own mind, then that writing won’t contain any word spells for us. So you see, we have the power to free ourselves; and we always did. No one has to be a victim of mind control anymore. But people often need someone to remind them of that because other people who want to control them remind them that their beliefs are true every minute of every day. 

Let’s get honest about the occultists. Let me state a couple of unknown facts about them. First of all, every belief system is a product of the occult. The occult started in the east and spread west over time. So you don’t avoid the occult point of view by moving to eastern religions or practices. The occult is everywhere; it’s global. It has many forms. If something has beliefs or practices involved in it, it’s occult. The globalist elite are the leaders of the occult point of view today. They are everywhere…in every country, race, and religion. They want to control every aspect of our lives from what we think, where we live, what we eat, and who we love. Often, these false leaders live in the shadows while their minions unknowingly program our minds on their behalf. 

If you’ve believed any belief system in the past, or do now, the occult has gotten into your mind. You aren’t alone. We all fell prey to their trickery. Don’t ever feel bad about being duped by these con artists. They view themselves as clever and us as stupid; they project stupid on to us. It’s all part of their fake magick, which is all mental…in fact, it’s false mental. After letting go, you will see that the occultists are the false ones. If anyone is stupid, it would be them. They are nothing but failed initiates. If you stick with letting go, you will surpass them; and they will never affect you again. 

The occultists were envious people who tried to say and do what the initiates were inspired to say and do; the occultists believed that you could fake it until you made it. They thought the power of the initiates was in what they said or did. But that wasn’t true; the initiates’ power came from the purity of their minds. 

The metaphors used by the initiates were just useful communication tools, which had no power in and of themselves. But the occultists didn’t realize that fact, so they tried to give power to the initiates’ metaphors by turning them into long-lasting symbols. Being primarily matriarchal minded, the occultists added meaning and emotions to those symbols thinking that would give them power. But this had consequences. This caused people’s minds to psychologically reverse. Now emotions no longer meant that beliefs were false; emotions now meant that beliefs had power or beliefs were true. The occultists imposed their symbols and beliefs on to others in order to gain the power of numbers. They had to do all of this because they had no real power. A True Self would never do any of this to a fellow human being. 

Today the occult programming is viewed as too hard to reverse by most people; but what other choice do we have? Do we keep fueling the occult beliefs and allow earth to continue to be a hell of suffering? Or do we do our part and let go as much as we can. 

Symbols are said to have power by the occultists; but it’s really the power of numbers of believers that give a symbol its false power. Symbols are just another form of spell or curse. That’s why the occultists plaster their fake symbols all over the place. They don’t care if we love or hate their symbols; they just want us to believe that the symbols have power. They want us to project our real power on to them as they project their unwanted side of the triangle bottom on to us. 

When we come to see their symbols as false, we strip them of a lot of power. Again, this can be seen in the words that we use. If you remove the “S” from the word “curse,” you get the word “cure.” That’s not a medical cure, which is nothing but fixing the effects of beliefs; it’s a real cure…the removal of the illusion from our minds. It’s a cure that eliminates all diseases and suffering. The letter “S” stands for sin or the deception of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. Sin was originally a term for second-cause or living from beliefs, not the True Self. If you take the beliefs out of a symbol or a story, you get back to the metaphors.  You regain the initiates’ mindset.

For eons, the esoteric occult ideas have come to the surface from time to time, much like what is happening today; but people treat these beliefs as true, not false. Today, people are noticing the occult symbols; but instead of declaring them false, they’re giving them even more power by teaching people about them. They are confused because they don’t know that emotions mean false. When they discover the symbolic meaning, they feel emotion; and they think that means the symbol is true and even powerful. Now they want those symbols for themselves. So they are becoming the deceivers…the Serpents of the future. In essence, an endless battle has been raging over whose beliefs are true. Who gets to control the symbols and who gets to own the cherished landmarks and buildings. This battle doesn’t end until we leave the illusion. 

Once someone is indoctrinated into the illusory mindset, they get stuck. It’s isn’t their fault, and none of us have room to judge the people who are still most stuck today, including the globalists themselves. No one alive today invented the fallen way of using our minds. We all learned it from our ancestors. The people who invented this way of thinking go back thousands of years. People estimate that the Old Testament of the Bible goes back 6000 years; so that’s a good estimate of what we’re talking about for the age of the current illusion. We’ve all fallen prey to some aspect of the illusion. But that’s now in the past. In initiation, we correct the past so that we can create a beautiful future. 

We stop the indoctrination process in its tracks. That’s why I took my children out of religion and school; and I kept them away from medicine as much as possible. But at that time, I had not fully decoded the New Age and alternative healing. Now I have; so I warn others to stay away from such things.

We see a perfect example of this very strong indoctrination at work today with the Corona virus hoax; people have been trained to trust their doctors blindly. The doctors lied to them, and even harmed them; but the people still trusted them. The people didn’t know how to discriminate between true and false on the topic of medicine. They don’t realize that we wouldn’t need medicine of any sort if we didn’t have second-cause beliefs in our minds. It’s sad; it’s hard to watch people suffer. That’s why I do what I do. We eliminate the illusion by letting go ourselves, exposing false, and become true role models for others to follow. That’s not an easy task; but it’s a worthwhile task.

The Great Awakening and the idea of ascension is another version of the same old ruse. It’s like the Renaissance period in European history; it did come to an end. Unless people let go of their beliefs, the pendulum will continue to swing back and forth between patriarchal and matriarchal points of view. Belief systems will continue to rise and fall like empires. But the good news is that the rising and falling is quickening. The pendulum is no longer swinging slowly over centuries; it’s swinging back and forth over decades. In fact, it’s moving closer to swinging back and forth over years. When the pendulum quickens and the back and forth becomes months, days, or hours, even the most rigid illusion dwellers will come to see the triangle bottom with ease. Then letting go and my decodes will make sense to everyone. That’s when I’ll release my decodes freely because no one will use them to deceive others. I don’t know when that will be. It might be a few years, or it might be a few decades. I’m not psychic, nor do I want to be. 

The way to end all suffering, and I do mean all suffering, is to strip the power out of the occult illusion by not believing a damn word they say. We do that every single time we let go. We do that every single time we expose any second-cause belief as false. The occult in power are all like the Wizard of Oz. Once we reveal that their power is false, they will be forced to admit that it was all a big con game. They will be the losers, which is actually the win win for all, even them. 

When the occultists restricted our freedom, they also restricted their own freedom. In the end, they will have no power at all. They will be normal, and those of us who have been traveling the path of initiation will be natural again. Natural trumps normal. Becoming natural isn’t about eating organic food or doing internal cleanses; those are ways of fixing the effects. Becoming natural is ONLY about our state of mind. Once we are free minded, our True Selves will reign again. No false leader will tell us what to do; they will be powerless. Our individual stories and our collective story will have to come full circle. But like I said, this might take a while; fortunately, we don’t have to wait for others. Many people have joined me in letting go, and they will be the way showers and the support for those who will come on board the freedom train in the future. Each time one of us lets go, or exposes false, it gets a little easier for others. Our future gets a little brighter. 

The basis of the occult point of view, which is still normal today, is that knowledge is the same as knowing. The occultists treat second-cause thought, which has judgement in it like it’s the same as first-cause, nonjudgmental thinking. Today people commonly say that they are discriminating as they’re obviously judging. Imposing beliefs, rules, or demands on another is judging them. Imposing our beliefs on others means that we don’t trust that person to be naturally good. We should be letting go, not giving them more beliefs. Bad and evil were imposed on us by the occultists who wanted power. Discriminating is being able to say “NO” to people who impose rules, mandates, beliefs, or second-cause knowledge on us. Our natural knowing is beyond words…beyond spells…beyond curses.  Our natural knowing is the cure for everything. 

The Occult Hijacked the Word Initiation

Now let’s go back to where we started this article. Let me give you an example of level confusion that’s intimately tied to what I do. Level confusion occurs when a word that points to the True Self becomes knowledge that people memorize and store in their false mental container. The word initiation was originally about freeing one’s mind. It was simple in theory; but even thousands of years ago, it took time to do…generally about a decade or more. Initiation was based on the notion that life is a story that’s meant to come full circle. We start out as a True Self, then we muck around in the illusion and get all mentally twisted around. We believe false and ignore our True Selves. At some point, we’ve had enough of the illusion, so we enter initiation and come out with the same pure mind that we had “initially.” “Initially” is the pivotal word in understanding initiation; the initiates wanted to return to the mind that they were born with. Initiation was not the same as seeking. There was no teaching or learning in halls of initiation. Jesus said that we want our mind to be like a child’s mind; he didn’t mean that we need a childish mind. He meant that we want to lead our life from our True Self…that’s a child’s mind…it’s pure and has no beliefs or second-cause knowledge in it yet.

Like so many other words, the occultists stole the word “initiation” from the initiates. But occult initiations are very different from true initiation. Occult initiations don’t involve letting go; they involve willpower, second-cause beliefs and knowledge, symbolism, rituals, and holding on for life. The occult initiation programs involved learning and memorization. They used rules, oaths, rituals, and ceremonies to keep their illusion fueled and intact. 

There was no formal testing in pure initiation; there was only validation. Life provided the validation that the initiate’s mind had changed. That’s the same today. That’s why we can do initiation without leaving our normal life. Our outer world changes as our inner world changes. We can let go as we work, play, or cook our dinner.

There were, however, insane occult initiation tests that are still performed today by the elite of the world; those often involve sex, children, and many other horrible activities (like they exposed in the movie “Eyes Wide Shut“). We can’t do much about the elite as normal people with no authority. However, there are traces of occult initiation in other more normal aspects of life that we can expose and eliminate. The occult way of thinking often starts with cliques in school, whereby kids have to give up their other friendships in order to join the clique. We see occult initiation in street gangs and secret societies. We also see occult initiation, often complete with tests, in college sororities and fraternities. People identify with these strange groups as if their membership in the group is an improvement of who they are.  That’s never true.

I was never one for cliques in school. I was friends with anyone who wanted to be my friend. I never liked clubs. I did join the Girl Scouts for a while because I liked learning how to do physical things. But that wasn’t a clique. During my first year in college, I lived on campus. I didn’t like college life; so after that year, I got a job and went to night school. Night school was wonderful; the teachers usually have real jobs in the day. So they had real-life stories and experiences to share. 

But while I was living at a college, I thought that fraternities and sororities were the silliest thing that I’d ever seen. So I started my own sorority in order to mock them; my sorority wasn’t popular. You’ve probably haven’t heard of it. It was called “IMA PROTO ZOA.” The name was meaningful. Oddly, protozoa can be free or parasitic, just like people. The occult way of life is based on the host-parasite relationship or what therapists call codependence. Initiation was and is all about freedom. You can’t be a free and a codependent person at the same time just like you can’t be a free protozoa and a parasitic protozoa at the same time. Of course, no one got my metaphor; they rarely do.

The experience taught me that college life was not for me. I learned a great trade in college, accounting; and that led me to computers and systems design. My professions didn’t have any beliefs attached to them. They were just a physical and first-cause mental skill that taught me a lot about life. Later on, my advanced degrees in psychology and esoteric studies (the occult) were done with the intent to expose those ways of thinking as false. Many times, I’ve had to go into the belly of the beast to know why certain teachings were FALSE. Now I share my experiences, just like my night-school teachers.

The occultists want us to associate the word “initiation” with saying or doing something as a demonstration of our will and power. They do not want us to discover our True Self, lest we will have all the power; and they will have none. The original idea of initiation was about mental purification; it had no verbal or physical component. There were no rules, beliefs, or practices in initiation because the initiates eliminated mental causes; they didn’t fix physical effects. In the illusion, we fix physical effects, which is another trick that keeps us stuck. But if we don’t know how to let go, we have no choice but to fix effects. That’s why people who fix effects make a whole lot of money. Exposing is not very lucrative yet; but one day it will be. The world is moving in that direction. 

If people let go and start seeing the occult beliefs and programming as false, the pyramid of power will come tumbling down. The occultists like to call us useless idiots or useless eaters. That’s projection; that’s exactly what they are being by saying and doing what they say and do. However, we must remember that they have a True Self too; sadly, it’s highly unlikely that they will find their True Self until they’re forced to lose and lose bigly. By exposing them, however, they will ultimately lose. By rejecting their projections, they will ultimately lose. By ignoring their symbols and rituals, they will definitely lose. By living our true and perfect life, they will lose bigly. When they realize that they have lost, and will never win again, then they will all be banging at the door of Gateway To Gold to learn to let go. They will want freedom too…everyone does.