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The Big Trick Question, which Leads to Endlessly Looking for a Belief to Let go


Before we begin this article, let me define a few terms that I’ll be using. This is an advanced article. So don’t start here if you are new to initiation and/or to letting go. Start with the earliest articles on this site and; then move forward in time so that you are reading the most recent articles last. This article gives you a taste of the very direct writing style that I use in my programs. I wouldn’t normally write an article this direct for the free material. But we are living in a crazy time, and a lot of people who are using my free material to let go can use this information if they can understand what I’m saying. 

Clone: When I use the word clone, I’m never talking about a physical clone. I’m talking about a false masculine aspect of the mind that pretends to be the person’s True Self. It’s like a persona on steroids. A clone character or voice operates on beliefs, knowledge, and rules, which it believes to be true. For example, a spiritual clone talks like a True Self, but it’s not a True Self. It says things like “We are all one.” That is true for the True Self level of perception, but it’s not true for the false, illusory level of perception where we all have individual mental containers. We don’t want to be ALL ONE at the false level of perception (the illusion), or we will NEVER get free. 

Clones don’t realize that the True Self exists; they can’t see outside of their illusion. They believe that they are the highest point of view. However, there is no higher or lower from the True Self point of view; anyone who views people as higher or lower castes, frequencies, levels of management, perspectives, etc., is speaking from a clone character. Outside of the illusion, there is just true and false. True is not higher or better than false. Nevertheless, when we are in false thinking, we are in an illusion. So hopefully, we are choosing that experience. 

Most likely, you’ve been confused by clones in the past…we all have. We put their beliefs into our minds because we were told that their beliefs were the truth. Clones won’t ever tell us that we can let go. Once they trap us, they think they own us for life. Consequently, most people get stuck in the collective illusion. They don’t see any way out. Initiation is the reversal of this clone problem.

Level Confusion: Clone characters in our false minds cause level confusion. They cause us to think that we are thinking something true, when we are not because our overall perspective is divided and false. The words we think might be technically true; but our True Self wouldn’t need to think or say such words. The example I gave above, “We are all one,” is a common, level-confused phrase. We don’t need to speak the truth; the True Self knows the truth already, and we all have a True Self within. The spiritual clone, however, will put that phrase in its mind as a belief; then it will connect with other false minds that share that belief. We don’t want to connect with anyone’s false mind. That’s why we were born with individual mental containers. 

The words on the banner of this website explain level confusion: Essentially, you don’t need to learn or speak the truth because you already KNOW it, and so does everyone else. In level confusion, we are operating from the notion that some people have the truth and others don’t. That’s completely false. We can veil the truth with beliefs; but we all have the truth within and always will. Initiation is the process of revealing our hidden truth by letting go of false beliefs. 

First Versus Second Cause: The perspective of the True Self is always first cause, or what is known as eating from the Tree of Life. The false-self perspective is always false and second cause because it contains an element of judgment; it is known as eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil. Good and evil are second cause because we desire good; and we hope to avoid evil. Thus we judge evil. Therefore, both good and evil exist at the level of second-cause; both are false because they are opposites. Also, goodness on the triangle bottom is defined with beliefs and rules. 

The True Self is good without an opposite; its goodness doesn’t need to be defined. We must let go of both sides of every triangle bottom in our mind in order to return to the True Self’s perspective. Initiation isn’t a weekend workshop. That’s why very few people do it. Let me assure you that it is worth every ounce of effort you put into it. But you must be patient.

North Star: Our North Star is a metaphor for where we are headed…it’s our intention or our desire. An intention or desire can be true, or it can be false. If our North Star is physical and within the illusion, we will live within the boundaries of the illusion. If our North Star is mental and outside of the illusion, that North Star (or intention) will bring up the beliefs that we need to let go in order to exit the illusion. As we let go of the beliefs that arise in our mind, we gain mental, emotional, and eventually, physical freedom.

Take this article slowly; stop and let go whenever you feel emotions arise. Do not read this article like you typically read a magazine article. When you feel emotions, it means that a belief is arising for you to let go. Stop and examine your own thinking. You either believe the lie that I just exposed, or you are judging what I just wrote because you don’t like that I exposed a belief that you deem to be true. I write in order to push beliefs up to the surface of the mind; I don’t write to teach or soothe people’s emotions. If you want soothing for your emotions, you are reading the wrong website. I don’t offer emotional soothing. We need our emotions to get free; they help us discriminate.

At the same time, I know that none of you made up this trick that I’m about to expose. If you believed it, and used it, you’re not bad or stupid. You simply trusted someone who was a clone on the throne. Quite frankly, we should be able to trust people with leadership roles. But as of right now, we can’t. The illusion has become a little too serious and real. The person who taught you this nasty trick pretended to have the truth when they simply did not. So just realize that I’m very direct in this article because I want to be clear; but I’m also standing by your side with you. Together we are punching up at the people in power who are promoting these kinds of false techniques. That’s how we all get free.

The tools, techniques, and practices of the illusion are like treading water. You work really hard, but you don’t go anywhere. If you don’t let go of those old, worthless tools, techniques, and practices from your past, you bring the baggage associated with them into letting go and initiation. Then you don’t go toward the North Star of freedom. Thus, I warn people to NEVER combine letting go with other practices, tools, or techniques from the illusion. But often they don’t listen to me. That’s their choice. I don’t demand that anyone let go or do what I say. But if you aren’t letting go, you won’t get freedom. 

A Warning: I talk about true health and false health in this article. If we aren’t at the level of the True Self perspective, then we can’t expect our True Self to heal us. So we should take adequate care of our body and seek out any form of medical attention that we need. I don’t view medical care as bad or wrong. It’s an important part of the illusion. But it is part of the illusion, and I write for people who want freedom. So I have to tell it like it is. My advice to people who have physical problems is to follow their beliefs. What we believe is what will work. But of course, we have to know what we believe. This article should help with that. 

Before I Reveal the Big Trick…a Little Background

I’d seen this trick over and over again. But so often, I’d let it slide. I assumed that the person knew what I was talking about, and they were just describing letting go a bit differently. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt; but sometimes, I get tricked by the clone characters in their mind when I do that. But fortunately, I don’t stay tricked; and that’s why I’m able to keep doing this work. In time, I came to realize that the Big Trick was always a clone trick. 

I’ve actually exposed all the components of this Big Trick, but never directly exposed the trick itself. So we’re going to do that in this article. It’s a weird thing, but often clone characters will not stop trying to maintain control of our minds until we expose them directly as FALSE. If clone characters can find a way to stay alive, they will. They often come up with clever tricks to avoid being exposed; they do keep me challenged.

Many people who find my writing have already been sold a false view of letting go by psychologists, gurus, healers, psychics, spiritual teachers, motivation speakers, etc.; I’m not saying that those people are bad. They just don’t take anyone toward freedom. They provide soothing within the illusion; and since there are a lot of people still stuck in the illusion, they are necessary. But we have to be truthful if we want freedom, these professions don’t help people to escape the illusion; and we want to escape. But don’t get me wrong. I don’t judge any of those professions; judgment would put me in the illusion. I just see them as false. I don’t use them. They are like a choice of food on a smorgasbord that I don’t want to eat. So I don’t put that food on my plate. I also don’t get upset that the food that I don’t want to eat is on the smorgasbord. I just walk past it. Others do like that food; they should be able to eat whatever they want. 

If you want freedom, you must understand that if someone teaches you a technique for letting go of emotions without removing the causal belief, that technique is false. Tactics that change one’s emotions from negative to positive are occult and FALSE. Changing one’s beliefs to sound more positive or spiritual do not automatically result in letting go. Physical or mental practices like eastern meditation or yoga rarely result in letting go. These practices are not helpful for initiation because you must do them for life. Also people do such practices in order to fix their mind or body; our ultimate goal in initiation is to not have to fix the effects. But of course, it takes time and a lot of letting go to get to that place. 

When you let go of a belief, you don’t ever have to let go of that belief again. You know the belief is false. Initiation is about purifying our mind…not changing it, adding to it, or avoiding it. So we must do an honest assessment of the techniques that we have relied on in the past. It’s unlikely that any of them will be useful to us if we truly want freedom like we want air. 

Like I said above, I exposed all of the components of this Big Trick. So let’s do a little review. I told people to use win-win or the emotional test to determine what to let go.  Win win is how we expose our masculine mind, or what I label a clone if the person thinks that masculine voice is their True Self; emotions are how we expose the feminine mind or what I label the false self. If our mind was perfect, our True Self would be masculine and our false self would be feminine; our body and life would be the effect. Our masculine and feminine mind aspects would work together as one. We’d only create in first cause, and we’d create perfectly every time. But people come to initiation with a second-cause mind that is filled with beliefs, second-cause knowledge, and rules. That’s everyone’s starting point. We choose initiation when we want out of the illusion. It doesn’t choose us. Initiation becomes our purpose or focus until we are done.

In addition, I’ve written about the Three Steps, which is very comprehensive. When we do the Three Steps, we remove second-cause thinking from the false masculine and false feminine mind aspects. If we go all the way to Step Three, we will get to the True Self; that’s where letting go happens with ease. Letting go from the feminine role requires resolve and willpower; it requires us to punch up at those clone voices in our mind or life. Letting go from the masculine role requires compassion. We have to want the best for the feminine role; we have to work toward a win-win outcome. 

The clone characters in our mind don’t have compassion; they are win-lose oriented. Clone characters project the unwanted side of their triangle bottom on to others so that they can have what they want. The clone has no desire to let go. The clone wants to keep its throne; it wants to remain mentally or physically superior to others. Clones are convinced that whatever they believe is TRUE or at least right. They want to keep ruling over our mind, body, and life. In initiation, however, we want our True Self to lead us. Imagine that we want to live in a beautiful treehouse; but every time we try to get on the ladder to the treehouse, a crocodile clone with lots of beliefs bites our butt and pulls us back down into the second-cause swamp. We do what we must do; we take these crocodiles out one at a time. Eventually, there are no crocodiles pulling us back into the illusion. So we can go up and down the ladder to and from our treehouse with ease. 

I also shared the triangle process, which is a powerful tool for cleaning up our minds. When we look at a triangle, we have the True Self’s point of view at the top. Take a topic like health. True health with no opposite is natural. But most don’t see health in that way because that point of view is outside of the illusion. When we know that heath is true, we don’t need doctors, healers, cures, or even herbs or vitamins because we are not creating disease from the true mental perspective. The True Self doesn’t believe in disease. Emotions and pain would simply be a signal for the us to let go of our current thinking. Our True Self is always giving health to our own body and to others. But if someone has a medical clone in their mind, they can’t receive that level of perfect health. They only know health on the triangle bottom, which is the normal view of health and sickness.

At the bottom of the triangle, we experience health in the second-cause illusion, where everything is divided into opposites. We have the doctors or healers who hold the knowledge of disease and how to fix it in their masculine mind; they are the mental cause of the problem called disease. Usually the doctor or healer is not the clone on the throne at the top of the pyramid of power. But they share the belief system of the clone on the throne. 

On the feminine side of the triangle bottom, we have the patients who are living the physical effects. If the doctor or healer lets go, they slowly move off of the triangle bottom; they ultimately won’t believe in disease anymore. They’ll free themselves from the medical illusion as well as all of their patients. They will no longer see unwanted health (disease) effects in the world. So they’ll have nothing to fix anymore. Their role of doctor or healer disappears because they have let go of all the beliefs that made up that clone character in their own mind. They have lost their role in the illusion. But they are much more than that illusory role; they are free, and they will continuously give the gift of health and freedom to others whether the others can receive it or not.

This is hard for people to grasp until they let go for quite a while. Often a role like doctor or healer feels like a purpose; it’s often the person’s status, and their way of making a living. The person doesn’t realize that there is something more perfect waiting for them. That perfection comes from their own True Self. They won’t realize that perfection until they let go mentally and physically of that illusory role. The role keeps them on the triangle bottom within the illusion. A doctor or healer can’t exist without patients…these roles are two sides of a coin, and you can’t have only one side of a coin.

Sometimes, the person who is a doctor or healer truly desires freedom, but they refuse to let go of their role even though it no longer feels good to perform that role. So they experience an unexpected event where they suddenly lose their career or their ability to do their career; later on, after being forced to drop that clone character from their mind, they realize that the seemingly horrible event was actually a blessing in disguise. But such changes can be traumatic. Initiation is not about ripping people’s lives apart. It’s meant to be gradual and safe. We let go of one belief at a time. As we do that, the clone characters just dissolve from our mind. We don’t miss them at all. 

Let’s say that the doctor or healer challenges their beliefs every day while they continue to do their job. They will move from the false masculine expert to the compassionate True Self over time. They will find themselves telling their patients that there is nothing wrong with them. The last doctor that I ever went to was that kind of a doctor. I will never forget him. I received his gift of true health; I was done with the medical system. We connected at the True Self level. But I’m kind of usual. He probably saw hundreds of patients a week; and they just wanted a pill or an herb to take away their symptoms. 

That sweet doctor was no longer a clone; he had become pure health. He no longer believed in disease. He had nothing to offer people who did believe in disease. They didn’t know how to let go of their false beliefs, and he didn’t know how to help them let go. I could tell that he even felt awkward with the title of doctor or healer. He was very close to ditching that job. He just couldn’t do it anymore. I personally, think that many people are experiencing collective initiation around this health topic right now. It has become crystal clear that the medical system is corrupt and worthless. It’s easier than ever to see that the system causes disease and suffering. This looks like a big problem to most. But it is actually pushing everyone to let go of all the beliefs that they have around health. It’s time to find health within and stop depending on knowledge and expert clones to keep us healthy. In the end, many people will say that this rough time was a very good thing. Letting go of their beliefs, however, would have been a lot more sane and gentle than a faux pandemic. When we let go, we don’t have to quit our job or leave our marriage; we don’t have to hit rock bottom. We just grow out of anything that isn’t true for us. One door opens just as another one has closed. We move from an illusory life to our true life.

We might not have a doctor or a healer role within the illusion. But when we believe such people, we put a copy of their beliefs into our mind. So we create a medical clone in our mind. Often we meet that clone character in another human being who plays the doctor or healer role on the illusory stage of life. That person who plays that role will do what we expect them to do, which probably isn’t what we want to experience. Today people add diet beliefs, personal training beliefs, and wellness beliefs to their medical clone. They also add alternative medicine beliefs to their mind. All of those beliefs are based on the same foundation that disease is true. It’s real, but it is false. That’s why we can let it go.

So nearly everyone is very much a part of the collective illusion on this topic of health. We all start initiation with beliefs about our body; and it takes time to let all of that go. We let go of one belief and label at a time; it took me a few years to get rid of every belief that I had about food, body, exercise, disease, etc. Until I got free of the beliefs that I had stored in my mind, I would feel emotion when someone brought up a disease label. That’s how I knew that I still shared the person’s causal belief. So I’d follow the emotion and let go of the belief that I shared with them. That freed me from the problem, and I became a supporter for their perfect health. Often, I’d no longer see the problem in them just like that sweet doctor that saw me in that way. But oddly, if they still had a medical clone in their mind, they would get upset when I wouldn’t agree that they had a health problem. They wanted me to tell them how to fix their problem, not tell them that their problem was false. What can I say? If they want their illusion, they can keep their illusion. But I still won’t see them as deficient in any way.

I’ve also told people to never try to figure out their minds like people do in therapy. But people had already developed that bad habit from hanging out in New Age, therapy, and self-help groups when they found my writing. They’d become addicted to connecting the dots so they could understand their mind, their relationships, or their problems. They would describe what they were doing as working on themselves, self-reflecting, or processing. Let me be clear and direct about this; I only have one word for all of that worthless inner work…bullshit! None of those things are even close to letting go. I honestly don’t know what in the hell people are doing when they are in therapy, and I have a master’s degree in psychology. When anyone describes therapy to me, it sounds like someone playing with their own poop. They are all stuck in level confusion. Thinking about the mind doesn’t get us to the true mental perspective. We have to let goto get to the true point of view.

Let me tell you a little secret that you might not know. Psychology, self-help, the New Age, the prosperity gospel, religions like Unity, progressive politics, and other belief systems of the same ilk, were all modern-day occult scams invented by the globalists (cabal of elitists who want to control the whole world) for the purpose of getting more people to use their minds like they do, which is backwards. The globalists are super clones who think they deserve the throne for the whole world. They rule the entire pyramid of power. People follow them because they are told that such people can lead them to money, success, fame, or some other physical false desire. Or they are told that the people on this pyramid of power can get rid of their emotions or fears; usually, however, they are the cause of them. Or they are told that such clones can lead them to their spiritual self, enlightenment, or some other mental false desire. None of us need such clones in our lives; we were born spiritual and enlightened…everyone was. If a desire is true, we will get it by letting go of the beliefs that are in the way of its fulfillment. 

Initiation is real simple; but no one will be honest and tell you what I’m saying because they have a belief system that they want you to fuel. Belief systems can only exist with the false fuel of emotions generated by the power of numbers of believers. Our True Self does not fuel our beliefs or our false desires. This Big Trick that I’m about to share was clearly born from this very popular cesspool of worthless psychological tools. It serves those who want to keep the illusion alive. Even if you don’t want total freedom, don’t give these clones your false power. They will never give it back to you; they are hoarders of false power.

The Big Trick Question

The Big Trick is quite simple, but it’s complex to expose as false. The person asks themselves: “Why or how did I create this problem?” Now stop and think about that question. It sounds like a good question right? But the person never answers the question. They generally think of lots of answers, but they don’t ever answer the question. Occasionally, someone just gets silence when they ask the question. They generally practiced eastern meditation, and they need to kick that meditation clone out of their mind.

Let’s first answer the how part of the question in general terms. The person is holding on to a second-cause triangle bottom in their false mind that isn’t true. Or they are following someone, like a doctor or guru, who holds the causal belief in their mental container as true. To get rid of an effect, we have to remove the cause. If the cause is in someone else’s mind that the person follows or obeys, they need to let go of following that person; and they need to let go of the causal belief that they share with that person. 

Now for the why? They still treat that causal belief as true, which often points to a clone character in their mind or life; they think that they need to hold on to that belief for some reason. Now once you answer the question generally, you start to realize that the question is not simple to answer. There could be fifty causal beliefs for one effect. The person might be following a powerful clone, and they are terrified of letting go of the beliefs that they share with that authority figure. The person might have been given a label that they can’t let go because the label came from a trusted expert. I could go on and on. Roles are always involved in the manifestation of a problem within the illusion. But roles will never come up when we ask that question. 

Here is the question that we need to ask. Why don’t we know exactly what to let go? Why can’t we see cause and effect with ease? The short answer is that the clone characters in our mind or life are asking that Big Trick question; and clones have no intention of ever letting go. Clones are complexes of beliefs. If they let go of their beliefs, they will disappear or die. Clones are the part of our mind that is afraid of dying. Our True Self never dies. I’m really good at seeing cause and effect because I’ve had a lot of practice; but when someone asks me this question, they are always speaking from a clone character. So I can give them the perfect answer, and they will not let go. The purpose of this question is to avoid letting go.

The clones in our mind want to make it impossible for us let go so they can remain alive and run our mind, body, and life. They are like parasites or squatters. They want us to think that letting go doesn’t work or doesn’t exist because letting go is their demise. When you hear a voice that says, “letting go doesn’t work,” or “letting go isn’t working for you,” that’s a clone talking. You need to let go of whatever they are saying; it’s false.

In thirty years of exposing the mind, I’ve not found one time when letting go didn’t work if the person let go in the way that I told them to let go. Now let me say that another way: Other people, including many expert clones, use the term letting go in false ways. I didn’t say that other ways of letting go work; they don’t. I said that the way I explain letting go always works. That’s not being arrogant; it’s called experience. Make sure you are clear on that; the Big Trick question is someone else’s way of letting go. Their way does not work; my point is that it was not designed to work. It looks like an exit, but the door below the exit sign doesn’t open.

Some Variations of the Big Trick Question

If the person who asks this Big Trick question is with like-minded friends, they often present that question as a topic of discussion; the friends work on the person’s mind together. They each toss out beliefs that might have caused that problem like they are solving a puzzle together. What good will that do? No one is letting go. They are trying to link cause and effect intellectually, to connect the dots, which doesn’t work. When we are thinking and asserting ideas, we are in the masculine aspect of our mind. I’ll explain the feminine approach to letting go in a moment. From my point of view, this idea exchange looks like people playing with each other’s poop. Everyone in the illusion has beliefs that are like giant piles of manure. To get free, we need to get rid of our manure pile. When we talk about beliefs, we are literally exchanging manure. When we cover the manure pile with new beliefs, we are putting ice cream on the manure and calling it a sundae. 

So let’s say that the person come up with a very plausible reason for this problem intellectually. They would take that ice cream reason and pile it on top of their manure pile. That’s not letting go. They might feel some momentary satisfaction for having solved the riddle, but the problem will occur again. They didn’t remove the mental cause. 

When people do this trick with me, I give them an answer that supports freedom. I tell them to let go of whatever reason they just tossed out on the table; it’s false. If they toss out another reason, I tell them to let that belief go too. I’m talking to them from the feminine role. I’m listening and discriminating. It doesn’t matter what belief they throw out; it will not pass the emotional test. I’m being their emotions since they are completely ignoring them. That’s why they can’t discriminate. If they were feeling instead of thinking, they would know that they needed to let go of every answer they heard in their mind. They would also know that another person can’t possibly tell them what is in their mental container unless they are falsely connected to them; then they’d have a different problem to work on. Why are they two halves of a whole with that person instead of two whole people?

Once I take the feminine role and discriminate for the person who asked the Big Trick question, the game stops. It was a clone game. Clones don’t want the truth, and they don’t want to let go. They want to play with each other’s poop for a few hours and call that a relationship. They want to agree that there is no resolution to this problem. Or they want to put ice cream on the manure and feel great that they can’t see the manure anymore. Of course, that ice cream will melt…I can assure you of that.

So let’s say that these two friends get to the eventual point of no resolution. Does that mean that no belief caused that unwanted effect? No, it means that they didn’t have access to the part of their mind where the belief was stored; in my experience that is because a clone character doesn’t want them to let go of that belief. If there was NO causal belief, then what caused the problem? Oh that is a much better question to ask: Who or what caused this problem? 

Now you will get answers…lots of them: God’s will, it’s stuck in my unconscious mind so I need hypnosis to dig it out, Cathy’s wrong (clones love that answer), letting go doesn’t work for me, I’m being punished for something I did in the past, I don’t know and will never know, karma, it’s a soul wound, mind control, the boogie man, overall injustice…I’ve heard it all. Those are all beliefs to let go. In fact, any or all of those reasons combined might be why you create problems that you don’t want in general. Do you see why the question is worthless now? Not one of those answers is win win for all. But in most cases, people will state those answer as if they are absolute facts of life. They will even argue with me; they will demand that I prove that their win-lose beliefs are false because there are a lot of clones that believe those beliefs. Clones feed off of the power of numbers. 

This very common conversation looks productive on the surface; in fact, some people call it a deep conversation…lol! But it’s not deep at all, nor is it productive. We have to go toward the feminine false self in order to go deep. We have to get out of the masculine clone mindset. Every belief in the clone’s mindset is viewed as true. Clones love you when you agree with their beliefs; and they hate you when you don’t agree. 

Some people do this Big Trick question with their therapist; it’s still unproductive, and it’s still not deep. The therapist isn’t going to say that their patient’s beliefs are all false. The therapist is in the illusion where discrimination is unlikely at best and impossible at worst. Also, therapy is done intellectually. Even hypnosis is done intellectually; I used to do it. But I did it different from everyone else. I used it to help people let go, and the results led me to what I share today. I didn’t want people to have to pay me $100 an hour to let go of every belief in their mind. We all have thousands of beliefs in our mind to let go. We need to know how to let go on our own. 

Outside of the illusion, we know that we can’t let go of the truth; and that’s a very good thing. We don’t want to let go of the truth. This fact assures that we won’t screw up and accidentally let go of a true creation like our arm or our kidney. But the clones in our mind falsely deduce that we can’t let a belief go because we have relabeled it as true. That’s a lie. A belief is never true; it doesn’t matter what our mind has labeled the belief. The word BELIEF has the word LIE within it for a reason; all beliefs are false. So there is no belief that we cannot let go. 

In any moment, we can go into our mind and find the causal belief, which we can let go if we realize that the belief is false. False is the key! Or we can go toward normal thinking, logic, and reasoning, which will keep our illusion fueled. Normal thinking is mostly geared around finding solutions to our problems; initiation is about letting go of problems so that we don’t need solutions anymore. There is a big difference. 

The Big Answer to the Big Trick Question

Recently I asked someone why she asked herself that question, and she gave a seemingly good answer; nevertheless, it was a false answer. She said, “I’m being responsible. I’m acknowledging that I created this problem; I’m not blaming my parents or anyone else.” Well, that sounds like something someone would say who has a strong desire to find the causal belief and let go. Right? However, that was a clone character in her mind pretending to be a True Self. Here’s how I know that.

Responsible and irresponsible are a second-cause triangle bottom. We judge irresponsibility. The True Self is automatically responsible. It never blames another. But also, our True Self never creates a problem. If we are truly responsible, then we will let go and only think from first cause so that we don’t cause problems in our life or the lives of others. This is subtle, and it’s hard to see until you let go for a while. 

This Big Trick question is the same trap that globalists, gurus, and spiritual teachers use to hook their followers for life. They are clones who want to keep the masculine role in every relationship at all cost. They peddle belief systems that they relabel as the truth. These clones will never become feminine to anyone. I became feminine to others over and over again when I created the Gold Circle; and I found out what these clones did to people’s minds because their followers would try to do it to me. We do to others what was done to us. So these clones on the throne do not impress me at all. They never let go; and they never tell their followers to let go. That’s how you detect a con artist. My job is to expose them as false so that their followers can gain the freedom that they truly deserve. But don’t get me wrong. I can’t do the cleanup work for their followers; I’m not in their mental container. I can expose what is false. I can even explain why it is false. I can even unconditionally love the person to make it easier for them to let go. But everyone has to let go and bring their mental container back to the virgin state through their own efforts. That is a very good thing; when you do the work of initiation, you come to know your mind. You know how and why you fell into the illusion. So you don’t ever fall again. 

Here’s another subtle word trick used by clones. The aspect of our mind that creates is our True Self. Our creative life-force and desires flow though the false self in order to divide our thought in first cause; and that is how we effortlessly create. But we don’t ever have to ask our True Self how it creates. It’s obvious. It just does it. When we fell mentally by accepting second-cause thinking into our minds, we had to work hard mentally and physically to manifest; we had to use beliefs and willpower to manifest what we desired. Manifesting is not the same as creating. Precision of language is very important in exposing belief systems as false. 

In the Big Trick question, the person asked how they created their problem? They didn’t create it. They manifested it. The clone was hijacking what’s only true for the True Self. The clone can’t manifest a true desire; thus it cannot create

People bring this error to me all the time in a slightly different format. That’s why I wrote this article. I want to be able to answer this common question from now on by giving the person a link to this article. They say, “Cathy, here is my problem. Now tell me what to let go.” They want me to be responsible for their problem or error of thinking. But I didn’t put the causal belief into their mind. In addition, I have a separate mental container; so how would I know what is in their mind. I know they have manifested an illusion. Like I said above, I can often detect the cause of their problem by the context of their email or the description of their problem. The cause is always really close to the effect. But they don’t want to know what to let go. They want me to take their projected effect or tell them they are a victim and letting go just doesn’t work for them. In that way, they don’t have to deal with the actual cause. 

I do know of one man who is no longer alive…he was a German doctor who generally saw life from the mental perspective. But he must have had severe responsibility issues. People would come to him and ask him to get rid of their health problems. After a bit of questioning, he’d stick their asses in his car and take them to the person who held the causal belief in mind. Then he’d force the person who was holding the causal belief to let his patient off the hook. I wish he had made videos of that; there isn’t enough money in the world for me to do that gig. But when he did this, people healed from nearly every disease known to mankind. It makes sense to me. He got the person in the masculine role to take back their projection. But part of the reason that the person with the cause let go was because he came on strong with a voice of authority as a widely-respected doctor. He was using his authority to punch up, and I totally respect him for that.

This Big Trick question tells us something about the clone that asks the question. In my experience, the clone usually feels like their life is unjust. They tend to think that clones should have perfect lives; they should live like royalty. They should have it all. This is more level confusion. Clones don’t deserve to have it all. Clones always have lots of false desires because they are never satisfied. They are never satisfied because they are never living their true life. 

The clone thinks that they are not getting what they deserve according to their rules for manifestation. Well that means that their rules aren’t popular enough. The illusion works based on the power of numbers, repetition, and longevity. Our oldest beliefs are in our false self; clones project those unwanted beliefs out on to others. In my experience, the clone usually asks this Big Trick question when a projection has boomeranged back at them. They thought that problem applied to someone else, but the person who was the object of their projection did something mentally or physically to free themselves of it. Now the clone appears to be blindsided when it is the cause of its own problem. That’s why it asks the Big Trick question. It doesn’t want to be exposed; it’s deflecting. 

This Big Trick question is like a magic trick where the magician says to look here, but they are doing something over there. Clones create illusions, so they love deflection. You’ve seen this with the American Democrats and Donald Trump if you have eyes to see. They always blame him for what they are actually doing. They are deflecting the blame away from themselves so that no one holds them responsible for their shenanigans. The Democrats are globalist clones through and through. The Republicans aren’t innocent; but they’re generally cowards who are afraid to punch up at the clones in power. The globalists want to win; and no trick is too harmful or too disgusting if it gets them what they want. 

The people who ask this question often want to understand their mind; that’s fine. But in initiation, our focus is on purifying our mind. Oddly, we get true understanding when we do that. True understanding requires us to become feminine to another or feminine to our own mind. It requires us to listen and to feel our emotions. The masculine mind asserts; it doesn’t listen. That’s not bad; listening not it’s job. Don’t confuse this with men and women; both men and women have masculine and feminine minds. Also, the mind is not the same as the brain. But we’ll leave that for another time. When our masculine mind is win-win oriented and free of second cause, it’s powerful and effortlessly creates. In my writing, I tell stories that are full circle. Most are from my own life. I started out free on a topic. I took on beliefs, and then I let them go. Then, I had understanding. So I share that understanding by exposing whatever I let go to get free of that situation. Then others can copy my example. But I didn’t get that understanding intellectually. I only got it by letting go. I also wasn’t connecting dots or finding reasons. However, after letting go, the dots were all connected; and I knew the reason that this situation had happened to me. 

People usually find my articles when they no longer want to live within the illusion. They’ve had enough. They don’t even want the fruits of the illusion anymore, so often they feel very unmotivated. I don’t advertise or use keywords to attract people to my websites. I’m not easy to find at all. People generally find my articles because their True Self is sick of the clones who are ruling their mind, body, and life. On the True Self level, they want freedom. Once they start reading what I write and allowing it to sink in, it wakes up their True Self. They start letting their True Self out of the closet. They set their North Star on freedom. Now the clones in their mind feel threatened. So the games begin.

Initiation appears to be a war between the clone voices in our mind and our own True Self; there can be only one winner in the end…it’s always the True Self. The clones can’t win the war. However if a clone character wins a battle, they keep their role within the illusion for a while longer; they get to keep their beliefs, and they get to continue to think that emotions mean that their beliefs are true (psychological reversal). In every moment, the initiate either lets go of a causal belief and the True Self wins that battle on that topic; or they allow the clones to play their silly games, avoid letting go, and fuel the illusion so that it looks more real and even more true. 

These clones think that if they can get me to agree that they are letting go, and they are the True Self, then they can keep their throne. However, this isn’t my first rodeo! So for all of your clones that like to play that stupid game with me…it won’t work anymore. I’m done playing the Game of Thrones with clones. So you can let the game go, or you can go back to kissing some guru’s dirty feet. That’s your choice. You always have free will in my world; but I also have free will to tell your clone characters that their beliefs are FALSE. Eventually, you’ll realize that my exposure of your clones is exactly what you truly desire, or you wouldn’t hang out with me. I support your freedom and your True Self as a trusted ally. Your clones don’t like me because they hate your OWN True Self. They can’t exist once your True Self is back in charge, and they simply don’t want to die. In the end, you are the owner of your mental container, so you decide what you want in it. I suggest that you make it a CLONE-FREE ZONE!