Lately, I’ve felt the pull to do an article on courage. Then yesterday, our fearless take-down-the-globalists President Trump tweeted that we were going to learn about the word courage soon. I realized that my idea was an inspired thought, and I needed to get busy writing. I had some information that would be helpful to others. This article is specific. However, you can apply what I’m demonstrating to any situation.
Before we begin, let me give you a warning. Don’t read my writing like you are reading a novel. You have to read it slowly. When you feel emotions, let go of whatever you’re thinking. I write to give you power tools to let go, and to expose what’s false. When you feel emotions, you generally believe whatever I’m saying. Or you’re judging whatever I’m saying. So stop and notice what’s in your mind so that you can let go. You can’t let go of the truth. So never hesitate to let go. Also, you don’t need to memorize anything I write. You don’t need to learn a thing; in fact, I encourage you not to learn from me. I’m not a teacher or guru; I’m an advocate for freedom.
Pythagoras said that if you can find two sides of a triangle, you know the third side. So let’s do a triangle together for this topic. Fear is the unwanted side of the triangle bottom. Opposite to fear, we have bravery where we face our fear and do it anyway. Bravery is viewed as the desirable side of the triangle bottom. Bravery is what we generally expect from a soldier. They generally have to suppress their fear because they’re in a battle. That’s why they often have PTSD when the battle is over. Their body-mind is trying to let go after the threat is gone. But they’ve never learned how to let go. Sadly, they don’t teach that skill in the military.
Our conditioning, when we feel fear, is to either go into bravery or to wallow in the fear. Going into bravery is done by asserting, i.e., thinking or acting. If we don’t take some mental or physical action, we tend to feel depression or despair, which is wallowing in our emotions. The assertive side of the triangle bottom is the masculine role or mindset. The receptive side is feminine.
You handle each side of the triangle bottom by letting go like I have outlined in other articles on this site. There’s no significant power in either side of the triangle bottom. However, we tend to feel more powerful on the masculine, assertive side. That’s because we generally project our emotions on to the feminine. Only the masculine role can project. The feminine can only receive. But that assertive false power is nothing compared to the real power at the top of the triangle. Either role on the triangle bottom can get to the top of the triangle from my point of view. I teach people how to let go from the masculine and the feminine roles.

Courage is different than bravery. Courage is at the top of the triangle. Courage is a True Self quality, like freedom, peace, or unconditional love. We’re whole in courage, so we don’t see others as our opposition. Courage is the absence of fear.
In courage, we’re in win win for all. This can be confusing until you get used to the win-win point of view. Often the win-win outcome is simply the rejection of a projection. I’ll show you what I mean by that in a moment.
So how do we get from fear to courage? This is how we fix every problem on earth without fighting or war. Courage emanates from the inside out. Let’s say that we feel fear, dread, or worry. First, we have to catch any programmed tendency to go into bravery. We might feel the urge to do something physical, to take action; or we might try to soothe ourselves with some positive thinking or affirmations. That’s avoiding our emotions. Most people want to get out of their emotional state. But as you know, our emotions aren’t the enemy in initiation. Our emotions are ALWAYS telling us to turn inward…to let go.
So instead of going toward bravery, like we’re conditioned to do, we honor the fear (emotion). We notice that the fear is just an emotion…we strip it of its label. The emotion is saying that whatever we’re thinking right now is false. Now here’s where things can get tricky, and even advanced people in my programs get trapped by this one. Our reality isn’t true if it’s coming from beliefs. So we have to ignore reality, and that can be hard to do. You won’t get results if you try to let go as you stare at reality and proclaim it to be true. You’ve got one foot on the gas and one on the brake. You have to focus on your mind and ignore the physical reality. The physical is just the effect of the mental cause. We don’t ever need to pay attention to the physical when we let go and create from the inside out.
When we manifest from beliefs, we create an illusion 100 percent of the time. So most of what we have created in the past…whether wanted or not…has been an illusion. I know, it looks real and true. But it’s real and false. When I was training myself to make this shift, I’d remind myself: “What I’m experiencing right now is the effect of all of my beliefs up until this moment.” Then I’d turn inward and get to work letting go of whatever I was thinking. Then I’d take whatever I got physically.
Now this is where you need to observe closely. People often say to me in a whiny voice, “Cathy I get emotional if I just hear my mother’s name.” There’s a reason for that thought, and it isn’t their mother’s name or their mother. It’s a belief that they have about their mother. Maybe they think that mom is more powerful than they are. Or maybe they can’t imagine talking to mom without a battle. Those are just beliefs to let go. We have to take the focus away from others in initiation. We can’t see what’s in our mind if we are focusing on another person or an outer effect. We’re not looking in the right direction. This is just common sense. But people often lose their common sense when they’re emotional.
The collective illusion has become like a thick fog. People can’t see in it or beyond it. But if you have a bright light, you can see far enough through the fog so that you can move through it. That bright light is a metaphor for our OWN True Self.
If you get to the perspective of the True Self, there’s no fear…no emotion…no confusing fog. You’re totally calm, and you know everything will be just fine. That’s the place of courage. Any action you take will be minimal and easy. This takes some getting used to. People are used to reacting and taking excessive actions.
Let me give you a personal example of courage. My first year in college, I was in my dorm room studying on a Saturday night. I was alone. Everyone else was partying or at a football game. I had my windows and door open. Suddenly I heard my door shut. I looked up thinking that the wind blew it shut, and there was a gang of dudes (looked like about ten) standing there looking at me. I stood up, facing them; fortunately, I was totally in courage. I had no fear. I had no thought in my mind. I asked them what they wanted. They said they wanted sex. I told them that I wasn’t interested and they needed to leave. I spoke in a very calm voice. I said a few more sentences that were inspired. We don’t think when we talk from inspiration. Words just come out of our mouth. Every one of them turned and left.
For years, I wondered why women get raped when I got rid of ten huge guys with such ease. It bothered me. I felt like I needed to figure out what happened so that I could help others avoid such horrific events. But I also wanted to know what I did for my benefit. If I didn’t know how I did that, then how could I do it again? The key was in understanding courage versus bravery.
You can make yourself brave, but you can’t make yourself courageous. You can’t fake courage. You either have it or you don’t. You can let go, however, and then you remember your natural state of courage.
The True Self doesn’t create pain, suffering, crimes, problems, disease, etc. The reason people are so confused on this simple topic is that they have been following people who I call clones for most of their lives. Clones present their belief system as the truth. But no belief system is the truth. You can NOT get to the True Self on a ladder of beliefs. Every beliefs is divided. One side sounds great and is desirable, and the opposite is generally something that we don’t want in our lives. We have to get rid of both sides of a belief to eliminate problems from our lives. People get trapped because they hold on to the good side of the triangle bottom.
I was a 5’2”, 100-pound woman. Every one of those guys was huge compared to me. I later learned that they were a high school football team. They had an intention…gang rape. I didn’t accept what they projected. I talked to them like someone had offered me a slice of pizza, and I wasn’t hungry. “No. I don’t want to do that. So you can leave.” You don’t talk like that from bravery or fear. You will have emotions in your voice. The triangle bottom is never safe. But when we get to the top of the triangle, we can’t help but be safe.
It’s crazy. We all have so much more power, creativity, and control than we realize because people who wanted to control us, and make us into their slaves, hid the information that I’m giving to all of you. That’s why I was inspired to tell you this NOW. We’re in a time of opportunity when many longstanding, collective beliefs are on the surface. We can let go and make great progress toward freedom personally and collectively during this window.
All problems happen within the illusion. And the globalists who have been controlling our world from the shadows have created most of the problems that we see in the world. So letting go will ultimately fix this for all. But it takes time. And you can’t let go for another. We all have individual mental containers and free will. That being said, as we get free and expose the illusion as false, we make the illusion more transparent. So it becomes easier and quicker for others to escape.
The key to my safety in that college incident was the power of the True Self. That’s a knowing. If you look at the Steps, I was in Step Three. I wasn’t afraid (Step One). I had no judgment of those guys (Step Two). I wasn’t trying to be nice and manipulate them (Step 2.5). I was solid in Step Three.
You can’t fake courage until you make it. What if I was in that incident and I did feel fear. Let’s say that I was not in Step Three. That would mean that I believed what the dudes said to me. I was allowing them to create that illusory reality, and they cast me in the feminine role. But I rejected the feminine part in their little stage play. I had the true masculine role. So they were actually feminine to me. And I told them to leave, so they did. We always win in the true masculine role, but the outcome is actually win win for all. It was win win for them to not get what they wanted. It was a false desire, and it would have caused harm in their life in time. Bravery, on the other hand, does not result in win win; it results in win lose.
Now let’s be practical. To let go in the moment when we’re in a scary situation takes practice. We get practice by cleaning up old memories from the past. It’s never too late to clean up the past. Let’s say that I screwed up on that day in college, and I got raped. Now years later, I find my websites; and I learn to let go. I could let go of the false beliefs in my mind that allowed that incident to happen, and that memory would no longer bother me. Sadly, we don’t realize that we can let go of everything traumatic from our past and return to our True Self. So we don’t do it. People stay stuck in their misery.
This is where you find true equality. We all start out in different places with different beliefs, but we can all let go and get to our True Self in one lifetime. Forget that stupid reincarnation and karma bullshit. It’s a choice, and we all have free will; but it’s a choice to be stuck in an illusion for multiple lifetimes.
For most people, emotions build up over time because the person keeps replaying their traumatic memories in their mind. They label themselves victims. They might spice the memory with some right and wrong and good and evil. So they bind themselves on the triangle bottom with layers and layers of second-cause thinking. They also tend to tell their victim story over and over again. Often they want justice or revenge. All of that takes them away from freedom. And then, they end up with chronic problems in their body or a serious disease. That’s not their fault because occultists hid letting go from us a long, long time ago. We’re talking four-to-six thousand years ago. But that doesn’t matter. It’s never too late to start letting go.
In conclusion, let’s go back to President Trump’s message. I looked up the etymology of the word courage and noticed that throughout history, back to the year 1200, the word was related to matters of the heart or spirit. So it confirmed what I wrote above. Courage is meant to relate to a quality of the True Self. Also, the word heart is the same letters as the word earth. We all share the same earth, and our True Selves are connected permanently; our beliefs are what separate us. Having group beliefs is an illusion of unity; it’s not real unity.
So I saw the message as telling us to not believe the reality that we were about to see or were currently viewing; it’s an illusion. I’m telling you to do the same. If you feel emotion about some globalist scam, let go of whatever you think about that situation. The emotion means that it’s false. Use this time and these crazy events to get freedom, not to wallow in fear and worry.
Also, what’s happening in America is not just about America. We all share the same earth. If the globalists are completely removed from power in America, they’re also removed for every country. This is important to me; my North Star is freedom for all. You all are part of that vision if you are reading this. But that doesn’t mean that I can do it for you. I can only show you the way.
Nevertheless, you can bet your last dollar that I’m going to do what I can to make this globalist takedown happen. If America regains its political freedom, we all win. But if America drowns, which it won’t, the whole rest of the world would drown with us.
Of course, political success doesn’t mean that we gain freedom over other beliefs systems, and there are plenty of them. You’ll still have more to let go. But this will be a giant step in the right direction.
So Buckle up friends. We may be hitting some turbulence soon. But anything that causes fear is an illusion. Let go of whatever you fear even if it appears to be real and true. I’ve been watching this closely for five years, and known about this for over twenty years; we’ve got a trustworthy pilot now. So we’ll be landing safely. Enjoy the ride.