Addictions, Habits, and Obsessions: Breaking the Circle

Help! I'm addicted to food, drugs, porn, sex, washing my hands, television, cleaning, pleasing people, watching CNN, Facebook, Toddlers and Tiaras, gambling, wearing my wife's bra...   Addictions, Habits and Obsessions I often get questions on the topic of obsessions, habits, and addictions and decided it was time to write…

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The End of the Victimhood Advantage

If we go inside and really look at why we are stuck in victimhood, we often find that it is exactly what we needed. The caterpillar doesn't feel victimized when it goes inward, and that is what allows it to be transformed into a beautiful butterfly. When we use victimhood as an advantage, fuel for our story, we get stuck; and we don't dissolve our past as we should. We lose our opportunity to be reborn.

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Ten Signs That Your True Self is Telling You to Let Go

By Cathy Eck This article is meant for you to determine if you might be ready for something which was once called initiation.  Initiation is not the same as walking a spiritual path, improving our mind, releasing our emotions, enlightenment, or ascension.  So read carefully; you might discover that you thought…

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