Ten Signs That Your True Self is Telling You to Let Go

By Cathy Eck This article is meant for you to determine if you might be ready for something which was once called initiation.  Initiation is not the same as walking a spiritual path, improving our mind, releasing our emotions, enlightenment, or ascension.  So read carefully; you might discover that you thought…

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Beliefs: Which Beliefs Should I Keep? Which Beliefs Should I Let Go?

By Cathy Eck   Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein   Are All Beliefs Lies?  Really, Cathy? People say to me all the time, “Cathy, do you really mean ALL beliefs are lies?  Aren’t there some exceptions?”  They are shocked when I respond with “YES,…

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Level Confusion: Esoteric Wisdom for Solving All Problems

  In the ancient mystery schools, initiates solved problems by untangling their mental level confusion   No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.                                                   Albert Einstein   What is Level Confusion? Long ago in the ancient world, men and…

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