Occult Versus Initiation: A Brief History of the Mind

The difference between initiation and the occult is how emotions are used. Emotions were once our navigation system; they kept us safe and on our path. But then the occultists invented a new story and a new way of creating. They left us dazzled and confused while they got all the money and toys for themselves.

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How to Know the Difference Between Truth and Myth

When I do presentations about ancient mythology, people often find the stories quite comical.  They chuckle when I say that people in ancient times treated these stories as the truth.  They can't believe that the great minds of ancient Greece, like Plato and Socrates, treated Zeus and Athena as real.…

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The Alchemical Marriage

The key to fixing our life is to undo the cause of our suffering. That cause is always a story that was sold to us while we were too young to discriminate. For most of us, it was the fall story of Adam and Eve. It veils the true male-female relationship creating the patriarchal view of life. We undo the patriarchy by undoing the story.

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