Mind Unraveled
Mind unraveled is not about the brain. Lots of people research the brain, but few research or understand the mind. I learned the basic construct of our mind from studying ancient wisdom and mythology. Mind unraveled articles teach you how the mind works, as well as how it was designed originally to work. We’ve gotten far off track. We no longer use our minds as they were designed. We are very inefficient.
Once you understand the mind, you start to see why you don’t achieve what you want from life. You start to understand that the people who do achieve success are often just really good cheaters. They have willed their mind to give them what they want. But they aren’t using it as designed. So they aren’t at full power. In addition, they project on others so they aren’t living from win-win.
Because our minds have gotten so complex with so many beliefs, it’s tricky to unravel our mind. So in this category, I share tricks to eliminate unwanted thoughts and beliefs. You will also discover how to use your mind to fulfill your dreams and achieve success. Most people are surprised that proper use of our mind eliminates the need for hard work; in fact, life becomes effortless when our we have a mind unraveled.
By Cathy Eck Painful Memories Color Our Future Painful memories are very important to let go because when we hold on to the beliefs and emotions connected with a painful memory, our future is colored by our past. And yet, most people avoid the painful memory, feeling like there…
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pride By Cathy Eck Pride and False Humility, the Evil Twins Pride is a word that confused me for a very long time. I learned from others that pride was bad. In fact, it was one of the Seven Deadly Sins. People around…
By Cathy Eck This article is meant for you to determine if you might be ready for something which was once called initiation. Initiation is not the same as walking a spiritual path, improving our mind, releasing our emotions, enlightenment, or ascension. So read carefully; you might discover that you thought…
Are Humans Prone to War? Recently, Discover Magazine (6/2012) explored the theory of E.O. Wilson, who believes that humans will never see the end of war because it is embedded in our human psyche. Wilson said that humans are prone to war. The article quoted William James from his 1906…
The most important choice we make in life is whether we live our authentic life or the life that others want us to live. Our Innate Desire to Live an Authentic Life Deep inside, we are all most joyful when we are living our authentic life. We want to…
Why Personalities Are Not Unique In 1948, psychologist Bertram Forer gave his introductory psychology students a questionnaire and told them that they would each receive a unique personality analysis based on their answers. But unbeknownst to his students, Bertram was conducting an experiment. Instead of each student getting a unique…
By Cathy Eck The Senses We all know about the five physical senses. Clearly, if someone loses his or her sense of sight, hearing, or even taste, his or her life experience is deeply compromised. Likewise, those with sharper senses often have a heightened life experience. Life is often…
Any time you are faced with a decision, your inner male (intellect) and female (intuition or emotions) are not in harmony. Heal the inner war, and the choice will become obvious. A powerful time to practice letting go of your beliefs is when you are faced with a decision. A…
Kahuna Mental Healing I've always been passionate about the Kahuna healers of Hawaii. They are living proof that clearing the mind heals the body. They have been successfully practicing mental healing for thousands of years. In recent times, they have retreated from public scrutiny for their work was considered taboo.…
If you get lost in the forest, you turn around and go back to the place where you were no longer lost. The same correction works for the mind. Many cultures have a fall story describing an irreversible error that caused humans to leave paradise. The fallen characters find…