If you want to accomplish something that no one else is accomplishing, you have to use your mind in a way that’s different from everyone else. You must think from a completely different perspective.
In the Gold Circle, I don’t just tell you how to let go (like I did in the free material), I SHOW you how to let go. I did the Gold Circle by taking the feminine role with a few dozen people from all over the world. I saw what was blocking them from freedom because they projected their unconscious beliefs on to me. Having freed my own mind before, I knew what to let go in order to free myself from their illusion. I exposed the beliefs that were projected on to me in my writing; the group followed my demonstration and let go too when they wanted to do so. Letting go is always a choice. We repeated this process on every topic that you can think of for a few years. We went deeper and deeper into the core of the group’s mind, which turned out to be a microcosm of the collective macrocosm. By exposing the group’s false minds in the Gold Circle, we also exposed the entire collective belief system of plant earth. At that point, I had a group of people who could read my ancient story decodes and understand them; so I started the Golden Gateway.
Initiation was never about learning; true initiation was always about letting go and freedom.
What Do I Mean by Freedom?
This introduction to the Gold Circle is a little long, but read it carefully. I want you to fully understand what the Gold Circle is all about before you join it. It is not like anything else you’ll find or have ever done. Everything I’ve written came from my own inspiration and direct experience, as well as decoding ancient stories. Nothing on any of my websites was channeled or psychic information. There was no magic or extraordinary powers involved in my life experiences or my writing. In other words, I’m just like everyone else; so I know that others can do what I’ve done if they want to do so. I’ve always had a true desire for freedom for all and the end of suffering. That desire led me to everything that I share today.
Initiation is not like anything you’ve ever done before. It’s hard to understand what initiation entails because we’ve all been living within a very persistent, longstanding, and pervasive illusion. Many people today recognize that fact, but they erroneously believe that all of reality is an illusion, a matrix, or a simulation. The illusion is only that which is human made using false knowledge and beliefs. That’s good news; it means that we can escape the illusion, which is where we find suffering of all kinds. If humans made the illusion and the suffering, then humans can eliminate the illusion and the suffering. In addition, we can do that as individuals; we don’t have to wait for others to live a free life.
Initiation is confusing to people because they erroneously think that some beliefs or belief systems are true. Initiation is the elimination of all beliefs and all belief systems; it’s complete mental freedom, which results in emotional and physical freedom. I know that sounds radical. People often can’t imagine what they’d think, say, or do without their beliefs. I can answer that. They’d be clear minded, focused, and filled with original thoughts and ideas. They’d be naturally creative and joyful. They would have the answers to everything they wanted to know. Humans waste their lives trying to answer questions and solve problems with outer knowledge when they already know the truth within. Consequently, I don’t tell you the truth in the Gold Circle; I simply help you to find your OWN inner truth by exposing false. We don’t learn in initiation…we unlearn or unschool.
Within the illusion, freedom is generally perceived as having choices, having enough money to live, and fulfilling desires. It’s viewed as the absence of a tyrannical government or demanding authority figures. That’s not the same as the true freedom of initiation. True freedom is found entirely within our individual mind; it’s not dependent on, or affected by, any other person, any situation, or any environment. The ancient initiates said that our mind is the cause of everything in our life; our physical experiences are only the effects of OUR mind. They also taught that thinking is not the best use of our mind; our mind was designed to be a creative processor. We were designed to be inner-directed beings. However, in the illusion, we are trained to live backwards. We are programed to be outer directed; so we react to other people’s words or physical effects. If we are reacting, we are not creating. It’s that simple. Those who want to control us know that; and they give us plenty to react to.
In short, a free mind is a mind without any judgment of ourselves, of others, or of people in general. It’s a mind without beliefs or false knowledge. It’s a quiet, inspired mind led by our True Self. It’s what people say they desire. Unfortunately, people routinely seek help in order to find such a mind; and they end up trusting others who don’t teach them to let go. They end up with more beliefs, more knowledge, and practices that they are told to do for life. In initiation, we eliminate whatever is blocking our perfect mind. It’s just common sense, and it would be easy if our minds had not become so complex and filled with beliefs. Eventually, we remember that we were meant to be the creator of our own life experience. Said another way, we were meant to be a physical vessel through which creations flow. We were also designed to enjoy our creations. Our job as humans was to create our little piece of Heaven on Earth. But we got really far off track when we became believers, learners, and memorizers.
A creator is different from someone who manifests with occult techniques like positive thinking, eastern practices, or visualization. Those are willful techniques. Those techniques ultimately take us deeper into the illusion. In initiation, we turn our willpower inward; and we use our willpower to let go of all false thinking so that our mind becomes pure again. It’s all very simple in theory.
Today many people talk about finding their purpose; but most of them are barking up the wrong tree. They’re looking for a purpose within the illusion. Everyone’s purpose is initiation. I also refer to initiation as finishing our full-circle story, which means we eliminate our fallen mindset. After we come to KNOW OURSELVES, and we finish our full-circle story, we do whatever we were born to do as a free being.
Let me explain a little mental history in order to make sense of beliefs and belief systems. Then you’ll understand where initiation falls in the grand scheme of things. Thousands of years ago, initiation was common. There were great people all over the world who had free minds. They were great leaders. But there were others who wanted the power of the initiates, but they had fallen minds. These envious people wanted to control others for nefarious reasons, much like most of our leaders today. These false leaders were labeled occultists. The word occult basically means hidden; and these false leaders hid their selfish intentions, secret beliefs, and their “magical” practices. They wanted to achieve the same results as the initiates using beliefs, rules, projection, occult magick, and mind control because they didn’t have access to their own True Selves.
While initiates could easily create, or co-create with others, in order to get whatever they truly desired, these envious power mongers had to enslave others in order to get their selfish and false desires. People don’t volunteer to be slaves. They have to be tricked into it, and these false leaders were clever tricksters. They gained power by deceiving normal people into thinking that they were the initiates; they used occult magick in order to demonstrate their false power. They said that the initiates were evil, and that’s where everyone’s minds got turned backwards. We become like the people we follow; and now, people routinely followed these false leaders. Everyone started manifesting illusions from beliefs and knowledge just like their leaders. They all stopped trusting their all-knowing True Selves.
To make matters worse, these power-hungry occultists convinced their followers that they were “good” by teaching the people false standards of goodness and morality through religion (which means to bind); the true goodness of the initiates was lost. In short, these false leaders defined goodness physically instead of mentally. When our minds are true, we’re naturally good; we’d never harm others. But such a person will not blindly obey physical rules that don’t make sense.
The occult leaders all had false, fallen minds. They didn’t want the followers to surpass them. So they made sure that the followers also had fallen minds. They turned us away from our all-knowing True Selves. Earth became a giant, collective illusion. When someone did escape (or tried to expose) the illusion, they were labeled, mocked, punished, killed, or banished from society. So people stopped trying to escape. They adapted!
The clever idea of the false leaders worked, and it’s still working today. The occultists copied the initiates physically and mentally. They copied their stories, which they turned into stories that served their narrative; they copied their metaphors and turned them into symbols. They mimicked whatever the initiates did, and turned that mimicry into rituals and ceremonies. They promised people great things if they followed them blindly and accepted their beliefs as true. But they never intended to fulfill any of their promises; they couldn’t. They would have no power if they didn’t project on to the masses; for them to look like the initiates, they had to keep the people small and weak. It was all a mind game. This happened all over the world…not just in the West.
To accomplish their nefarious plan, these false leaders appointed themselves into positions of great power as royals and religious leaders (East and West). They invented false Gods who proclaimed the leaders’ greatness and chosen status. These false leaders convinced people to accept that their beliefs and belief systems were true because they came from their God (their false deity). That was a big lie. In order to free our minds, we must realize that we can’t get back to our all-powerful True Self on a ladder of false beliefs. Beliefs come from other humans…from outside of us; all belief systems have been passed down from these false leaders. There is no true belief system on this planet. I can assure you of that.
The illusion has many facets, but it’s all false. Our True Self is inside of us, and it always was. We find our True Self as we remove everything that we acquired from false leaders of all kinds and all time. There is no outer Gods; in fact, the Creator is within us as our True Self. People are finally waking up to that fact. They are physically walking away from religions. But all too often, they turn to politics and make that into a religion, or they join the New Age. People are taught that they need beliefs; and I can assure you that they do not. Unfortunately, we can’t just drop everything false from our mind by flipping a switch or meditating. We trained our minds to hold on, and we have to undo that training. We have to clear our minds of the beliefs that were imposed on to us by knowing that those beliefs are totally false in order to get completely free.
It appeared that the initiates went away. But we are the initiates; we just forgot who we were. The ancient initiates were simply people who didn’t fall into line and obey the false leaders. They kept their minds free; and they lived a creative, inspired life regardless of what was going on around them. People would notice that some people seemed to create with ease, but they never asked them how they did it. Or if they did ask, they didn’t understand the answer they received. Once we have a fallen mindset, we can’t understand someone who is speaking from the True Self. We’ll even think that they are evil because of our false programming. The fallen mind is physically focused, outer directed, and literal. The free mind is inwardly focused and metaphorical.
I saw a big need, and I was inspired to fill it. We needed a mental bridge that would take us from deep inside of the illusion, where our minds are filled with false knowledge, rules, and beliefs, to outside of the illusion where our minds are free on all topics. Discovering letting go allowed me to fulfill my desire to create that beautiful bridge. Whether people take that bridge or not is completely up to them. I honor everyone’s free will. I will never become an evangelist for letting go. We cannot behave like the people who enslaved us, or we become the new false leaders even if our intention is good.
Letting go becomes a way of life once you choose initiation. But it’s always YOUR choice. You can always go back to the way things were. The illusory pull makes it very easy to go back. At some point, however, you won’t want to go back. Nothing in the illusion will be attractive anymore. You’ll want freedom as much as you want air. We weren’t meant to get so mentally confused. We were all naturally designed to let go easily and quickly so that we could live in a shared reality where some people are creating their true desires and others are manifesting false desires. We were born with the discrimination to know the difference between true and false. But sadly, we were tricked into following the occultists who turned every topic into a system of beliefs; beliefs keep us stuck in a win-lose illusion.
Early in life, we were raised and taught by people who were already card-carrying members of the illusion. They already saw the illusion as real and true; so they trained us to view the world in the same way. The mental fall has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. That’s why it takes time and effort to get free. The illusion physically changes over time, but it repeats. The causal beliefs are the same; the physical effects are different. Throughout history, people would think that they were finally going to get free because they found a great leader; or they thought that we would all ascend to a new level of perception. But that was just more lies coming from the same occult mindset. We can’t get free when we have a mind filled with beliefs and false knowledge. Initiation has never been collective; it’s always been individual. If enough individuals would step forward and free their own minds, it could become collective. But I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Initiation is practical; it’s simply the return to the natural way of using our minds. Initiation is not spiritual; we were all born spiritual. We all have a True Self, even if we forgot that we had it. We don’t need to learn how to be something that we already are. We never lost our True Self, but we lost our connection to it because we filled our minds with beliefs. We started following outer leaders instead of our true inner leader.
In initiation, we reveal our True Self by removing what has concealed it. Jesus said that we must go back to being like a child. He didn’t mean that we need to go back to baby talk, or we need to move into our parents’ basement. He meant that we can all go back to the free-minded state that we had as a child. He was describing the fruits of initiation. Jesus’s story was an initiation story, but it must be decoded because western religion turned it into another fall story where Jesus died in the end. The occult leaders want us to believe that they are so powerful that they can kill our True Selves.
Explaining the Gold Circle is difficult because I’m trying to explain an experience. Imagine trying to explain the experience of riding a bike or eating chocolate ice cream to a friend. You can point to what it’s like, and you can give them a general idea of what you experienced when you did it; but for them to actually KNOW what it’s like, they have to experience it for themselves. Once they eat the ice cream, or ride the bike, you can talk about such things from a common perspective. An understanding forms between you and your friend. The same thing must happen between you and I. We start out in two very different perspectives. But in my writing, I went into the illusion; and I created the bridge to freedom. I recorded everything that I did in order to build that bridge so that you can have the direct experience of letting go over and over again. Eventually, you come to understand whatever I speak or write because you’ve lived it with me. You come to understand the mind, the illusion, and how life was meant to be. You also develop strong and reliable discrimination as well as unconditional love for others.
Until you realize that you can let go, and you have that direct experience of doing it for yourself, you will find it hard to trust me. I understand that, and I do my best to prove everything that I share with examples and demonstrations. But I’m going up against your longstanding occult programming. We all have that programming until we free our minds; that’s where we all begin our journey of initiation. So I have to be patient and you do too.
In initiation, we put our mental perception before our physical results. But initiation is nothing like managing our minds with positive thoughts or repeating spiritual mantras. It’s not about praying or eastern meditation. Letting go is the recognition that the thought that we are thinking or hearing in any given moment is false. We don’t need to hold that thought in our minds. As initiates, our quest is to become the master of our own mind, which holds our own unique perception of the world. Today people try to emulate that by customizing the beliefs that they hold in their “conscious” mind. But they don’t realize that the opposite of what they consciously believe is being stored in their “unconscious.”
In initiation as I share it, we physically live on the same earth as everyone else; we aren’t hiding, or escaping from, the illusion or other people. In fact, we work toward loving everyone unconditionally. If our mind is free, the illusion doesn’t impact us, even when we are right in the thick of it. If someone else wants to harm us, and we don’t share their beliefs, they can’t harm us. But we can’t fake that until we make it. When we follow the occult point of view, and we load our mind with beliefs, we are not safe from others who want to harm us. Our only choices in the illusion are obedience or rebellion. This is something I explain in depth in the Gold Circle, so don’t worry if it doesn’t quite make sense. I’m just giving you an overview…a preview of coming attractions.
Initiation doesn’t make us magical or supernatural. We also don’t become channels, teachers, or healers. That’s a disappointment to some people at first; but when you understand what it’s like to live from your True Self, you will no longer desire such roles. You’ll want to live as a creator. People want magical abilities because they feel inferior or powerless. But supernatural powers don’t bring us joy or freedom. We eliminate superiority and inferiority in initiation. We don’t need channels, healers, or teachers if we have everything we need within. We don’t need psychic abilities if we connect with everyone as True Selves. When beliefs are gone from our mind, we find that being our True Self is what we always wanted to be. We all have equal, but unique, True Selves. The easiest way to explain this common false desire for superiority or special powers is this: If you are standing in New York City, you don’t need to take a train to get there. If you are free, you don’t need magical or supernatural abilities to become someone.
The illusion is a giant pyramid of power. If you want a great life within the illusion, you have to make your way up that false pyramid using beliefs, false knowledge, managed appearances, roles of authority, etc. But no one on that pyramid is truly joyful, fully creative, or satisfied with their life. There is no peace of mind on the pyramid of power. People tend to ride a pendulum that swings between fighting or war and tolerance. Everyone stuck in the pyramid of power is just recycling old knowledge and beliefs. They keep pouring the same old wine into new bottles by relabeling false ideas that already came and went in the past.
When we are free creators again, we leave the pyramid of power behind. We spend our lives creating our true desires; and we help others to free themselves from the illusion. There is room for everyone to be themselves and to be creators once we are no longer bound by the illusion. Life outside of the illusion is win win for all.
Our True Self was meant to be the creator of our perfect life experience. It’s not selfish, nor is it superior, to be our True Selves if everyone else has a True Self too. That’s the perspective that we want to have of each other. If someone doesn’t want to be their True Self, that’s fine. But they don’t get to tell us who we are, how to think, or how to act. They can follow their own beliefs and be as miserable as they want.
In initiation, people regain their natural independence. Codependence is a big part of the illusion, but it is not natural. We were only meant to work together in co-creation when we want to make something big like a building. A true leader would hold the vision for the project, and that vision would be win win for all; a true leader does not tell everyone what to do and how to do it. We don’t need managers outside of the illusion.
In initiation, we no longer share beliefs with others. That takes some getting used to. People are used to mental entanglement. When we step outside of the illusory boxes of our families’ and friends’ mindset, they often grip on to us even tighter. They don’t like losing their false connection with us because they’re unaware that we always share a true connection with everyone. Our true connection with others cannot be broken. Our True Selves connect via unconditional love.
In the past, we often bonded with our friends and family over wounds, shared problems, and false desires. But as we let go, those old bonds fall away. In the illusion, we have beliefs that tell us how we should socialize with others; those beliefs define who’s our friend and who’s our foe. Now those old beliefs don’t look true anymore. We don’t judge others who think different from us. Their beliefs won’t impact us at all; they aren’t in our mind once we fully let them go. Our relationships change in initiation; we have to learn how to navigate those new waters. For this reason, relationships tend to be a major focus in the Gold Circle.
At first, initiation appears to be the opposite of everything we’ve ever learned or done in life…it is essentially unschooling or deprogramming. Whether we hold an eastern or western philosophy, or we tried both, our desire was to get back to our True Self. Our true desire is not to be spiritual or enlightened; we were both at birth. Then we were taught to cover up that perfection. In initiation, we end up with a very quiet but powerful mind. When we let go, the noise caused by our thinking is no longer there. Our mind is now our creative processor, and we can have anything we TRULY desire.
Why Does Anyone Need the Gold Circle?
The short answer is that no one needs the Gold Circle. But when I was going through initiation, I wanted it. Many others have wanted it too. Everyone will want it at some point in time. The illusion is limited; it’s never truly satisfying. Initiation often feels like a lonely pursuit because it is not a group activity. I recognize that from my own experience. Being able to read information that supports our quest, or hear someone talking about their challenges and successes, makes the initiation process more enjoyable. In addition, my experience can save people from getting stuck in detours, which can keep one stuck for years or lifetimes.
When I first created the free material, I thought initiation would make sense to everyone who read it. That material was all that I planned to do. But the reaction that I got from others was not what I expected. I could tell that people were not understanding what I was saying; and when they did think they understood what I said, they usually didn’t. Many people thought that initiation was like eastern religion or the New Age. They thought that I was providing some additional tools for their mental toolbox. But eastern religion and the New Age are both part of the illusion, just like western religion. In fact, eastern and western religion are just opposites. They are actually more alike than they are different. If you go back to the fall story of Adam and Eve, eastern religion was represented by the Serpent and western religion was represented by the cursing Old Testament God. Those archetypal characters are two sides of what was once referred to as the two-faced God. We discuss this in great detail in the Gold Circle.
People today are obsessed with learning; and learning covers up our pure wisdom and truth. People in the illusion think that a complex mind is a great mind. But that’s not true. The True Self is simple, creative, original, and very wise. So in short, no one should need the Gold Circle. But they can’t access their True Self until they let go of learning, memorizing, copying others, and believing. They need to see that knowledge always has a limitation; the wisdom of our True Self is unlimited.
But here is the catch; we can’t get wisdom or the truth from each other. We weren’t meant to think alike. This is where everyone gets confused. The way we naturally perceive life is personal. Also, we don’t naturally perceive life in words; words are a human invention. If we share our knowing or wisdom in words, it turns into beliefs. So others who copy our knowing/wisdom become our believers or followers. Thus everyone is a follower today, when we were all born to be leaders. (Revealing true leaders is the purpose of the Golden Gateway, which comes after the Gold Circle.) In initiation, we drop all beliefs and knowledge from our mental container because they are false, and we return to our true inner knowing. If we want to truly help others, we expose their beliefs as false. Then they can find their own True Self too. Like I said above, teaching and healer should never be necessary.
My best advice is to ignore anyone who claims to have the truth; find company with those who are exposing false. Even when I speak of the True Self, I only point to it in words like unlimited, authentic, joyful, free, etc. I constantly remind people to use my writing to let go; I tell them to never copy or memorize anything I say. That is hard for some people. Education has caused people to copy, learn, and memorize without even thinking about it. False leaders who wanted us to submit to them told us to memorize their words and copy whatever they did. True leaders do not want you to copy them; they want you to be yourself and be free.
The easiest way to understand this quagmire is to look at rules, which are a form of beliefs. As a child, we all memorized the rules that others gave us so that we wouldn’t break them. To do that, we put our authority figures’ voices into our minds as recordings; then we remembered all the rules. We knew what we needed to do or say in order to labeled good. It was like we manifested a miniature clone voice of the authority figure. That clone voice caused us to think, speak, and act in the way that pleased that human authority figure. So we were no longer listening to our True Self, we were following an outer leader all the time. When we still do what that voice says as adults, we reward ourselves. When we disobey said voice, we punish ourselves. People believe that God (or the Universe) is rewarding and punishing them; but actually, they are doing it all themselves. In initiation, we remove those false clone voices from our minds. Then our True Self becomes our leader again.
People who came to my websites often had many of these clone voices in their minds; and they thought that at least some of them were true or even their own True Self. But our True Self doesn’t speak in words. While doing the Gold Circle, I met political, medical, healer, therapy, self-help, New Age, religious, science, guru, expert, legal, parent, advisor clones and more. It was like each person had a whole choir of people fighting for dominance within their mental container. Every clone voice had its opinion of what the person should think, say, or do. Some of their minds reminded me of the popular book and movie series, “The Hunger Games.” There was a lot of competition in such minds among the clones; they all wanted to be “The One.” Meanwhile, their True Self was being ignored. They couldn’t receive their inspiration because inspiration will never fight for power. Our mind has to be quiet to receive our inspiration; our True Self will not interfere with our free will. We have to choose to ditch the clone voices and honor only our True Self. That’s the whole purpose of initiation.
While interacting with people regarding my free material, I got hundreds of emails from people who wanted me to tell them which belief to let go in order to heal their money, relationship, or health problems. People were so convinced that all of the beliefs in their crowded minds were true that they couldn’t imagine that they had even one belief in their mind to let go. They didn’t have one belief to let go, they had thousands of beliefs to let go. Their mind was like an iceberg. They were aware of their conscious mind; but their unconscious mind was much bigger, and it was filled with beliefs and programming. I was answering this same type of question over and over again, and I couldn’t do such questions justice in an email. So I was wasting my time. It seemed that people were too programmed to understand letting go. I thought about taking my websites down. I wondered if maybe my desire to help others get free was impossible. But I’d spent decades discovering this information, and everyone deserved to have it. Besides, I didn’t want to live in a world where people couldn’t get free.
Ultimately, I realized that I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t expose all of these different types of clone voices as false. Then people could choose to let the voices go or not. I didn’t care what they chose, I just didn’t want to feel like they didn’t have a choice. So I decided that I would explain how the mind works in one place (a Gateway to Gold website devoted completely to initiation), and I would call it the Gold Circle. A circle is a metaphor for completion; and a gold circle is metaphorically the completion of our own full-circle story, which takes us back to our True Self.
I put aside my freedom in order to do the Gold Circle. I decided that I needed to discover what was causing people to get stuck in the illusion. I’d find out what was causing their problems, illnesses, and suffering. There were about forty people in the initial group; they all had different perspectives because they came from all over the world. So I got a real mental workout. My discrimination was tested in ways that I never imagined. I never knew most of these belief systems existed before the Gold Circle. Doing the Gold Circle was much harder than I ever anticipated. I thought it would take me a year; but it actually took me six years.
Generally, when we have clones in our mind, we project out our false self (what psychology calls the unconscious mind). I basically let the participants in the original Gold Circle project their unconscious mind on to me. Then I could tell them what was hidden in their “unconscious” mind…what they needed to let go. I explain my process in detail in the Gold Circle. I did this over and over again. Whatever I exposed and did to get free of the projector’s illusion was documented in the Gold Circle articles. I was creating exit ramps out of the illusion on topic after topic, so that anyone could find their way to the freedom highway. No topic was off limits. Often I ended up exposing some very popular leaders and spiritual teachers. They had become clone characters in many people’s minds in that original group. Those clone voices were keeping them enslaved, and they didn’t realize it. Very often, they thought those teachers, healers, or leaders had given them the truth. They thought those people, who they blindly trusted, were speaking from their True Self; but that wasn’t true.
No one has more power than us when our mind is free, not even the most aggressive abuser. The articles in the Gold Circle are filled with false beliefs that most people need to let go, but the articles can also be pretty entertaining. We humans do the darnedest things. Whatever I experienced in the Gold Circle was pretty much a microcosm of what we all experience in every day life. In nearly every article, I remind people that what people projected on to me was what was projected on to them earlier in life. I don’t see any bad people. I see people who were entrapped without realizing it; they deserve my compassion and unconditional love, not my judgment.
Now the task of explaining how the mind and illusion work is done. Everything I learned from that deep dive into the illusion has been very well documented. Like I said, there’s nothing like the Gold Circle because I’ve never known anyone to get free, then go back into the illusion to free others by letting them project on to them. What I demonstrated in the Gold Circle is the essence of initiation; and it has been hidden from us for at least a couple thousand years. That’s why it sounds odd; but truthfully, initiation just makes sense. It’s the most natural thing you will ever do once you get the hang of it.
Spiritual leaders today want to teach people the truth, and they all avoid exposing false. They don’t want to upset or offend anyone who identifies with their false beliefs or clone voices. In fact, they cater to people’s clone voices. These false teachers and leaders are cowards who fear their own clone voices and treat their beliefs as the truth. They are all fueling the illusion. They make my job very challenging. Most popular clone leaders don’t realize that they are fueling the illusion because people flock to them. They pay them lots of money for private sessions and workshops, and they kiss their dirty feet. These false leaders say things like, “All belief systems lead to God;” in fact, no belief systems lead to God the Creator. All belief systems lead to the false God’s illusion of limitation and suffering. But you have to see that for yourself to understand why I’d say that. That’s what I help you to do in the Gold Circle.
Most of the people who present information on the topic of mental freedom are doing it in a way that appeals to the masses; so they water it down significantly. They usually focus on getting rid of emotions instead of letting go of the beliefs that caused the emotions. That’s appealing to the masses since most people hate their emotions. The reduction of emotions that comes from their techniques might feel good, but it’s not permanent. It’s like covering up the gas gauge on the dashboard of our car. That doesn’t lead to freedom from buying gas; it leads to running out of gas. Our emotions are like our gas gauge; when we know how to use them as they were designed to be used, they make our life easy. When we don’t remove the causal belief from a memory or situation, it will repeat in the future. History repeats itself until we eliminate the mental cause. That’s true for the microcosm (personal) and the macrocosm (collective).
In initiation, we get free by eliminating these false clone voices from our minds so that we can return to being our True Selves all the time with no apologies. When we expose and let go of everything false within our mind, we are left with what is true. We can’t let go of the truth. Therefore, initiation is the one thing in life that we cannot mess up. Isn’t that great news? Initiation is the essence of perfection; the only way that we can mess up in initiation is to refuse to let go, which is actually normal.
I do this work because I love people, and I want everyone to have the freedom that they deserve. But I have to be honest with you, and you have to be rational; we can’t reverse thousands of years of mental programming in a weekend workshop. Before I figured out how to free my mind, my mind was such a mess; I had so much crap in it just like everyone else. What made me a little different from most was knowing that what was in my mind was useless crap. I didn’t see any of it as true; I didn’t identify with the voices in my mind. I just didn’t know how to get rid of those beliefs and voices permanently. So I decided to find out how to do that, and that took a long time. I met a lot of charlatans along the way who said that they were teaching letting go when they were not. That’s life in a place with free will. If it was easy to exit the illusion, everyone would be doing it.
The Gold Circle made freedom for all possible. But I can’t do initiation for anyone else; it’s an individual experience. I share everything that I discovered while cleaning up my own mind and supporting others in cleaning up their minds; but everyone in the Gold Circle has to follow my demonstrations and unravel their own mind. The Gold Circle is a hands-on course; it’s not about reading and learning. It is organized in a way that builds over time. As you’re ready to go deeper, I take you deeper.
I often tell people in the Gold Circle that letting go is simple and easy. But those damn clone voices in their minds don’t want them to know that. Very often they think they let go all day long, but they actually tried to let go for twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes. Those old habits of holding on are often tough to defeat. So they basically let go for one minute of that entire day. So is letting go hard if they only did it for a minute? No it’s easy; but we live in a time when victimhood is viewed as a valuable currency. People like to whine and make things harder than they need to be. That’s mostly because the illusion contains the curse of hard work.
Initiation was never easy or quick. In ancient times, when true initiation was last available, people spent over a decade in temples of initiation. We don’t have such temples today; we do initiation while living our normal lives. That’s actually a good thing. We don’t have to invent fake tests to prove our state of mind; our life tests us appropriately in ways that are perfect for us. Also, it’s easy to get spoiled when you hide from the world for a long time in a temple with a bunch of people who are all freeing their minds. The goal of initiation is to live in the thick of the illusion without being dominated by it. Also, in modern initiation as I share it, we don’t have to drop our possessions or leave our family behind. So initiation is more practical and less expensive than it was in the past.
In the free material, I said that I’ve given you everything that you need in order to get free; and that’s an accurate statement. I didn’t skip over anything that was necessary for one to let go of every belief in their mind. In fact, I gave people far more than they needed. But I didn’t expose clone voices in the free material. I didn’t expose popular false leaders. Those clone voices and clone leaders tend to be like a brick wall; it takes determination and persistence to knock them down. In the free material, my main focus was to introduce letting go. That way people could begin the process of cleaning up their minds. How far they went was up to them.
Bear in mind that whatever I shared in the free material had to be appropriate for someone who might just pop on to my website and read one article on one topic. I couldn’t go too deep or be too direct because people tend to read blogs quickly for learning, research, or pleasure. Initiation isn’t about learning; it requires persistent and concentrated effort. So I had to establish a structure whereby I could expose false beliefs on any topic without having to limit what I said. I also had to develop a sort of language so that I didn’t have to describe complex occult ideas in detail over and over again. Our normal vocabulary lacks certain concepts and the precision that’s necessary to expose the illusion. Finally, I wanted to be able to trust that the readers could and would let go once I exposed their beliefs as false.
In addition, I couldn’t be too controversial in the free material. If I was too controversial in an article, I ended up wasting a lot of my time answering emails from people who felt threatened when their beliefs or spiritual teachers were proven false. I don’t have any desire to debate with such people. I don’t make anyone let go; but people with strong beliefs will fight me to the death in order to get me to accept their beliefs as true or their spiritual teachers and gurus as True Selves. They don’t know what they don’t know. If they let go, they would come to the same conclusions as I have. But if they don’t know how to let go, I look like the enemy of their clone voices. I made the choice to help people who are letting go and want total freedom. I’m fine with people who like their beliefs; they can keep their beliefs. But I will never believe them because I’ve seen what is outside of their illusion, and I don’t want to go back. That’s very bothersome to people with strong belief systems; they share the globalist’s viewpoint that we should all think in the same way.
The free material is like any do-it-yourself project. People stumble a lot along the way; in fact, they might get stuck in a detour that takes a decade or more to resolve, just like I did. Their belief systems are going to look true, and no one in their life will tell them any different. Their inner clone voices are going to lie to them and tell them that they already have the truth. Those clone voices will tell them that they need them; they might even tell them that they will die or harm others without them. Those voices don’t want to lose their false power.
Nevertheless, if someone keeps letting go like I did, they will work all of that out over time. It took me thirty plus years to do what I’ve done. I shorten that for others with the Gold Circle and Golden Gateway. Someone once commented that they didn’t understand why discovering initiation took me so long; I found their comment odd since they didn’t have a clue how to let go. They thought that you just put a positive thought into your already-crowded mind, and you’re free. That’s not initiation. That’s illusion delusion.
My writing is designed to bring your beliefs and programming up to the surface of your conscious mind. My writing helps you to uncover your true desires and eliminate your false desires. My writing helps you to make sense of the illusion so that you realize that you aren’t losing anything of value as you let go. My writing helps you to find the motivation to let go when it gets hard. My writing reminds you that no one ever got hurt by letting go; in fact, all suffering is the result of holding on. But others won’t tell you any of that. They can’t see the potential for life outside of the illusion; and misery does love company.
I’m always going to be transparent with you in my speaking and writing, but my transparency will sound odd at times. You aren’t used to the level of transparency that you’ll experience with me and my writing. I’m going to say things that you’ve never heard from anyone else before. I hold nothing back. If you’ve been hanging out in the world of the politically correct, or have been a people pleaser in the past, I’ll probably shock you in nearly every article. We currently live in a world where most people aren’t fully transparent because they don’t want to rock other people’s worlds. They’re afraid of causing emotions in another. But we never cause emotions in others. That is a lie that permeates the entire illusion.
Emotion is always a signal that we’ve found something false to let go in ourselves. We are either believing a voice in our mind or a voice coming from another; and that voice is speaking false. We welcome emotions in initiation; we use them as they were designed to be used. Initiation is a whole different way of being and living, and it takes some getting used to. But that’s not the fault of initiation; it’s the result of the complexity of the modern illusion.
In the Gold Circle, I support your initiation experience. But I don’t do anything for you. Initiation is about you finding you. You do it all yourself. I just make sure that you stay on the path. I can assure you that you aren’t going to become a minion of me. I don’t ask anyone to submit to me. But if by chance they do submit to me, I love them unconditionally, which makes it easier for them to let go. In the end, I want you to be able to say, “I did this myself, and it was awesome.” Then no one will ever damage or rock your boat again. No one will never enslave you again. I want you to know how you fell and how you returned to the perspective of Eden. That understanding is what will keep you free for as long as you want to remain free.
Initiation was once called the attainment of the virgin mind, where all that remains in our mind is first-cause knowledge (no judgment); first-cause knowledge is what our True Self uses to create. It’s mostly physical, or practical, knowledge like how to do things or how things work. In initiation, we end up with a quiet, peaceful mind; that state is permanent whether you’re in living an ashram or attending a rock concert, whether you are with a negative Nancy or a whining Wayne. A virgin mind is a mind that creates with ease; when one creation is complete, it returns to the virgin state in order to create anew.
What is Initiation Like? What Will I Learn?
The short answer to that second question is: Nothing! You won’t learn anything in initiation. You will gain understanding and wisdom. You’ll remember your True Self. Sometimes people tell me, “But Cathy, I love learning.” Well then you need to make a choice. You can’t learn your way to freedom. So do you truly want freedom, or do you want to learn more false beliefs and knowledge?
For the most part, people want to learn in order to avoid or eliminate problems. Once you free your mind, you don’t create problems or unwanted experiences in your life anymore. Why would a creator manifest something that they don’t want to live? They wouldn’t. When you have a reasonably free mind, you can see if something unwanted is coming at you from another person, i.e., a projection. Let’s say that I was going to manifest a horrible problem in my life; but I didn’t realize it. As I watched my mind or my dreams, I’d start to notice that my thinking was false on that topic. I’d start to hear beliefs that were not my thoughts; I’d realize that those beliefs don’t belong in my mind. So I would let them go. Therefore, I would not manifest that problem. What did I prove by doing that? I know what I did to avoid the problem because I was watching my mind and letting go. I saw my mind shift from fear of the problem to no thoughts about that problem at all. But you can’t see what happened in my mind. So I got validation that letting go worked, but you didn’t. You have to follow my directions until you have the same sort of direct experience. When we let go, we get validation of our own success in the outer world. Another’s success or failure has nothing to do with us.
People would often say to me, “Ah Cathy, you’re just lucky,” whenever I shared my experience of letting go. Some part of their mind, didn’t want letting go to be possible. Religious people would say that God treated me well or kindly; I must be an old soul. New Agers would say that the universe took care of me. Those were false statements; they felt horrible to me. I knew how I avoided that problem or got that desire; I let go of the causal beliefs that were about to manifest in my life. I got back to my True Self on that topic. Denying what happened was the equivalent of denying my True Self. That’s why their comments felt so bad to me.
Most people can’t imagine that they could become the creators of their life experience. Today most people think that the end of suffering will come via a hero, the return of Jesus or alien helpers, a Messiah, a solar flash, ascension to the nonphysical state, going to heaven at death, or just plain luck. Everyone is waiting for something outside of them to happen in order to begin living their perfect life. Meanwhile, their own beliefs inside of their own mental container are causing their imperfect life in the present. They have the ability to rescue themselves from the inside out. But they don’t realize it.
If you do manifest something that you don’t want while doing the Gold Circle, it’s just feedback. You didn’t realize that you had a causal belief in your mind regarding that topic or potential problem. You didn’t take the belief out of your mind before the effect manifested in your life. Fortunately, any unwanted effect is just an illusion. An illusion isn’t true even when it appears to be real. So you can let go of the causal belief, and the manifestation will no longer bother you or be a problem for you. Basically, I’ve just described the essence of true healing. What bothers people about bad things happening is actually the fear that something unwanted will happen again. When we fully let go, and we know that our past is truly in the past, our past doesn’t bother us anymore. Our past is only a problem when we have the constant nagging fear that it’s going to affect our future.
Some Details about Life in the Gold Circle
My combined websites contain the equivalent of over eighty normal-sized nonfiction books the last time I did the math. The Gold Circle alone is the equivalent of forty books. That’s a lot of written material. You will be getting the equivalent of a Ph.D. in life and the mind in the Gold Circle and Golden Gateway. That won’t get you a career within the illusion; but it will reveal your natural genius…your natural talents. You won’t want a career in the illusion. In time, you will very likely get a new career out of initiation…a career that you love and truly want to do…a career where you give your true gifts, not something that you learned from others.
Since you aren’t learning more knowledge in the Gold Circle, you will become truly wise. You’ll think, speak, and act from the True Self all the time. Most people don’t realize that a True Self will never tell you the truth because you already have the truth within your own mind. You have your own True Self. All of our True Selves combined are the Creator; individually, each True Self is like a hologram of the Creator. My True Self knows that you already have the truth within; so I’m not going to try to enlighten you. But I will tell you what my life is like so that you have an idea of what to expect post initiation.
You can still learn physical things while engaging in initiation. You can learn some form of art. You can learn things like rock climbing or cooking. You can learn computer programs or engineering. Those are the kinds of PHYSICAL tasks that we were all meant to learn. It will be very easy to learn those things when it’s only about the physical task at hand. Adding beliefs and meaning to everything is what makes everything so damn hard in the illusion. Our minds were never designed to do that.
I guarantee you that you’ll have spent a lot less money in the Gold Circle and Golden Gateway than you would have spent for a four-year college degree, which would have most likely given you expertise in some worthless topic within the illusion. In fact, a year in the Gold Circle (under $500) is less than most weekend workshops. You pay for it monthly, so it’s very affordable for anyone. You will get that money back in so many ways. You’ll become more efficient and clear minded. You won’t need special foods, supplements, or medical treatments. You’ll find your natural health. You won’t be pushed around by style changes or the feeling of missing out. You won’t feel the need to impress others. You’ll find that you enjoy simpler things in life, which cost less. You’ll find that money or whatever you need comes to you more easily. You’ll also find that your money goes further because you won’t have as many problems and your timing will be perfect. You won’t make bad decisions; in fact, you won’t have difficult choices anymore. I could go on and on. The return on your investment will continue for as long as you live, which might be much longer than you had originally planned. But that won’t happen in a year. That’s why I devised the Golden Gateway. You learn how to let go in the Gold Circle; then you stay in this space where letting go and freedom are honored in the less-expensive Golden Gateway. There we continue to decode old stories from religion and mythology. I challenge you to go even deeper and let go of more than you ever imagined. I also help you to finish your own full-cycle story so you can emerge from initiation as a creator or a creative leader. The things we discuss in the Golden Gateway cannot be found anywhere else on this earth.
At times, you’ll think that I wrote an article just for you. People tell me that all the time. I don’t generally know who I’m writing for. But I’m connected with everyone’s True Self who did this program in the past, present, or future. Letting go takes us beyond the normal perception of time and space. So someone’s True Self will inspire me to write an article that will be waiting for them when they’re ready to read it. Our inner initiates are working together to get us all free even when we don’t realize it. Gateway to Gold is like the Grand Central Station for initiation.
Members of the Gold Circle also tell me that the articles I wrote changed over time when I didn’t change them. Their mind simply got more free. They got validation of their own progress by going back to review an old article. I think that’s so cool. What they couldn’t understand before is now crystal clear. That’s proof that they were letting go. You’ll get a little more freedom every time you engage with the articles or recordings. But you aren’t just freeing yourself. You’re breaking false connections with family, friends, and the collective. So you are always helping to free others too…especially your own ancestry. You’re also helping me to achieve my true desire of freedom for all; so you are in service to the whole world along with me.
There are many initiation stories on this planet; those stories became my earliest validation. Once decoded, an Egyptian story was no different from a Bible story. When stories are decoded, we find the part of the East and the West that is true and identical. A fairy tale can often be more valuable for explaining false beliefs, programming, and letting go than a nonfiction book. The problem stems from the fact that people were taught to view stories literally, physically, or symbolically. They were taught to learn information not to decode or understand it. So people could not see that ancient stories were written mentally and metaphorically. Stories have been dumbed down to fit into the occult illusion. When the stories fell, we fell with them. That’s another reason why initiation became a lost art.
To understand and really enjoy my story decodes, you have to be at least moving in the direction of initiation. You have to know how to let go, and you have to want to let go and get free of the illusion. Otherwise, you’ll just memorize the new version of the story and turn that into a new belief system or religion. You’ll probably have the urge to start teaching that new belief system to others, which will annoy the living crap out of them. You’d be making the illusion even harder for them to escape. The initiates said that those who used the teachings of the initiates for their own false gain would fall harder and faster than they could ever imagine. Sadly, most of the spiritual teachers, healers, and preachers today fit that bill. They are what I call level confused. They are sharing words and stories of the initiates as the truth from a fallen mindset; so they keep falling deeper and deeper, and they are taking everyone who follows them down too.
For some reason, I realized that such errors were common; I knew that I could only share my decodes after I prepared people to use them properly. I’m thankful for that foresight today. You will get some decodes in the Gold Circle because I use the story of Adam and Eve, and the story I wrote called “The Legend” in order to explain the mechanics of the mind and letting go. I also do some contemporary movie decodes, and I decode a few other cool stories in the Gold Circle. Story decodes are what make initiation fun.
If you want a simple example of a decode, read the decode of The Lion King on this site in the free material. I have a short decode of the Tower of Babel on No Labels No Lies. I also did some decoding of the movie, “The Shawshank Redemption.” These are very simple decodes that are pretty harmless; I only did those decodes to demonstrate why people need to let go of beliefs that they acquired from stories. I go into much more detail in the decodes that I do in the Gold Circle and Golden Gateway. In a decode, the story moves from win lose to win win for all. The characters all come back to life again. The story comes full circle. That same shift happens in our personal stories as we decode our memories and let go.
You may have read of people like Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla creating concepts and inventions that were used by people who didn’t have a win-win point of view. That devastated these men. They did what they did for the good of all, and someone used what they invented for their own self-gain. That would have happened to my story decodes if I had not realized that I needed to help people let go first. We don’t need more teachers and preachers in the world, who are giving people false beliefs; I can assure you of that.
I will never give anyone permission to teach this material or use my words in other books or articles because I don’t teach anything myself. I don’t write for people to learn what I know; I write as a catalyst for letting go. Everything I share on my websites was acquired by letting go. No one else can claim that. I don’t withhold such permission to be selfish or mean; I do it for everyone’s benefit. Initiation was lost in the past because people tried to incorporate it into the illusion.
In my experience, most people come to appreciate letting go in time. They start to enjoy the insights; they love the great feeling of having their emotions disappear along with their false beliefs. They start to find that their mind is a very interesting place to hang out. Also, their whole life starts to make sense and being in their body becomes more enjoyable.
That being said, my work isn’t for everyone. I’m the first to admit that. It’s for those people who have had enough of the illusion. If you still have desires within the illusion, I suggest that you fulfill those false desires first. I don’t like to have to rain on people’s parades and tell them that they have to give up a false desire in order to get free. I also don’t like people wasting their time or money on the Gold Circle if they aren’t really ready to let go and get free.
In initiation, we slowly and gently drop our false desires; in the end, we only focus on attaining true desires. False desires do keep us stuck. That’s their purpose. Eventually, we come to realize that we only want true desires. We never miss anything after we’ve let it go.I can assure you of that. That’s because we can’t let go of anything that is true and right for us.
As you already know from the free material, we don’t get rid of our emotions in initiation. We use our emotions to discriminate, which takes us to freedom. So you must be willing to feel your emotions to get free. Again, that’s something that you will come to enjoy. After a while, people want their emotions to arise; they want a free mind, and they realize that their emotions are supporting that true desire.
I will not be your guru or spiritual teacher in the Gold Circle. Like I said, I don’t even view the Gold Circle as spiritual; I consider initiation and letting go to be practical. We aren’t trying to become light bodies or nonphysical in the Gold Circle. In addition, I will not be your healer or therapist; I won’t be giving you physical or mental remedies. I will not be your mother, advisor, or your best friend. I won’t be giving you advice at all. But in time, you won’t need or want any of those fake roles or false leaders in your life. You’ll realize that people in false roles have nothing to offer you anymore. They aren’t bad people; they are just stuck in the illusion. Until we are free, we truly have nothing to give another; so it’s best that we work on our OWN mind until we have something real and true to give to others. Then we’ll give by the very life that we live. Jesus said it like this (paraphrasing): “Find ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, then all else will be added unto you.”
The ultimate goal of initiation is for you to answer all of your own questions. That’s why I don’t interact with you directly. It’s hard for people to understand why I’d make myself scarce. Quite honestly, I did what I set out to do. Now I want to go back to living the life that I’ve earned. I gave up a lot mentally, emotionally, relationship wise, health wise, and economically to do the Gold Circle. I couldn’t create or even relate to people as my True Self when I was stuck in other people’s illusions helping them to get free and exposing the collective illusion. After I let go of someone’s illusion, I’d get free for a day or two as I wrote about that experience; and I’d have a little fun. Then I had to dive back into the illusion in order to do the next article. So it was quite an adventure that lasted for several years. That chapter of my story is now complete. I know how to get anyone to freedom now, and that is documented in my extensive collection of articles.
If you are wanting a politically correct leader, I’m not the one. I’m not a people pleaser. I’m a True Self pleaser. I know who I work for. You are not your beliefs, even if you like them. So I’m never mad at you when I expose a belief as false. My exposure is never personal. Too often, people think that they are their beliefs. You’ll get over that in time. You weren’t born with even one belief in your mind. You were born with everything that you needed for your True Self desires; you just didn’t realize that.
We also don’t honor victimhood in the Gold Circle. No story can be too big or too harsh to let go. I am not willing to leave anyone behind because I gave up on them. So I’ve found an exit for everyone. It’s up to you to take the exit or not. I keep my promise to give you everything I’ve come to know. But you will have to take responsibility for your past; and that’s not a popular thing to do today. Being a victim is viewed as cool in this day and age. It can even offer some social and economic advantages. Oppression is often treated like a badge of honor within the illusion. What works in the illusion won’t work outside of the illusion.
People today want safe spaces when they feel emotion. They want to blame others for their emotions. They like to justify their false effects. All of that has to disappear in initiation. But don’t worry; I show you how to let the past go no matter what happened to you in reality, and I tell you why you would want to let it go. When you do as I suggest, it’s like your past is rewritten. What happened in the past can’t ever happen again.
If you aren’t willing to invest the time, and stick with initiation for as long as it takes, then it probably isn’t for you at this time. If you just want to read what I write and not let go, then the Gold Circle DEFINITELY isn’t for you. People come to the Gateway To Gold website from different places with very different mindsets. They come for different reasons. For some, it isn’t that hard to let go; they catch on pretty quickly. Others are very stuck in the illusion because they’ve had a difficult past, or they’ve followed a lot of false leaders; it takes them much longer to understand letting go. You are where you are. No one is superior or inferior in my world.
My only guarantee is that it’s possible for anyone to get free in one lifetime if they make letting go a regular part of their life. For most, it will take much, much less time than their whole life. Most people will become totally free with plenty of time to spare; they will be able to enjoy living a fully creative life. But initiation only works if you do it. Your old clone voices will try to distract you from letting go. You’ll have to motivate yourself because your inner clones, and your outer friends and family, will try to get you to quit.
Every fad in the illusion fades in value over time. But initiation never goes out of style. Initiation never has to be redone unless you choose to dive back into the illusion to help others like I did. Once you are free, you’re free for as long as you choose to be free.
Now let’s address the elephant in the room…why do I charge for the Gold Circle and Golden Gateway? Many people say, “But Cathy, the truth should be free.” Yes the truth should be free because we all contain the truth within. I totally agree with that statement. However, I’m not giving you the truth in the Gold Circle or the Golden Gateway. If you knew how to access the truth within you already, you would already be free. In the header of No Labels No Lies, I explain how I feel about people who teach the truth. Most of them do charge money; others ask you to donate to their organization, or you have to work for free in order to learn their belief system that has been relabeled the truth.
While I was doing the Gold Circle, I had to devote full time, seven days a week to this project. I couldn’t make money any other way because it took all of the time and energy that I had. So I decided to charge a nominal fee. But also, it’s a common belief in the illusion that you get what you pay for. People associate free with worthless. If people don’t give something of value for initiation, they don’t tend to take it seriously. So they don’t make any progress. I look forward to that changing. But at this time, the illusion has a lot of power; it takes someone who is serious about freedom to stick with initiation.
Actually, you will come to realize that the saying about not charging for the truth is backwards. People who live from the True Self will never tell you the truth. People who teach or preach beliefs should do that for free because what they offer is worthless. I assure you that everyone who has claimed to give you the truth only gave you beliefs. I’m giving you what you actually need, which is the ability to free your own mind. I’m giving you the keys to the Gateway To Gold. You will find that I’m giving you something that money can’t buy.
A Few Important Precautions for Your Safety and Comfort
In initiation, we don’t have goals, rules, or directives. I don’t give Gold Circle members new beliefs. I help everyone to let go so that they can find what they KNOW…their True Self. That sounds odd to people at first. In most normal group activities, the leader holds the false masculine role; that leader tells everyone what to think, say, and do. Then everyone follows the leader. We reverse that in the Gold Circle. I gave the members of the original group the masculine role. I let them lead; and then, I told them what they projected on to me from the feminine role. That’s what they needed to know in order to let go. I basically flipped the power pyramid upside down when I did the Gold Circle. That mirrors what needs to be done collectively. Our leaders should be serving the people, not the other way around.
In initiation, there are no practices or routines; in fact, we let go of all practices and routines in the Gold Circle. A free person is a spontaneous person. Following our inspiration becomes natural as we let go. You can let go any place and any time. You can do it while you work and while you play. After a while, you’ll even find yourself letting go in your night dreams. In the illusion, there are all kinds of practices that one must supposedly do in order to have a good life, like prayer, meditation, affirmations, yoga, weight lifting or other exercise routines, taking supplements, going to retreats, following diets, being grateful, being polite, etc. There is nothing like that in initiation. You let go when you want to let go in any position or place. The only thing that you can’t do is customize letting go. When people do that, they end up deceiving themselves. Their clone voices pretend to let go, and they waste a lot of time and energy. Then they end up feeling defeated because they’ve gone deeper into the illusion.
You must be at least 18 years old to participate in the Gold Circle. If you are still living with your parents, then I’d wait until you move out. When you live with your parents, you are under their rulership. It’s hard to break free of their beliefs when you share a space with them or need them for any sort of financial support. You don’t want to make initiation harder than necessary. Also, sometimes beliefs leave our mind naturally when we leave our parents’ homes and care. That’s how life should happen naturally. So you can waste a lot of time trying to let go of something that will naturally fade away once you leave home.
I do not recommend that you do the Gold Circle if you are seeing a therapist. You need to complete that relationship before beginning the Gold Circle. Ideally, you should feel reasonably comfortable with your emotions. If you are absolutely terrified of your emotions, then letting go is going to be very difficult. I’d suggest working with the free material (especially No Labels No Lies) until you start to realize that your emotions are your friend, not your foe. This is not a program for releasing emotions like you find with the Release Technique or the Emotional Freedom Technique. In addition, if you think you are supersensitive, you are not. There is no such thing. Being very sensitive around others means that you are projecting out what you need to let go. You have a lot of suppressed memories or beliefs in your “unconscious.” Or you tend to sympathize or empathize with others. In initiation, we develop true compassion.
Many people today think that their emotions tell them about others. That is just not true. We are not meant to be outer directed. Other people have their own mental containers. We don’t have to know what’s in their minds. Also, no one is causing us to be emotional. Our emotions are our OWN personal discrimination system. If we don’t share a belief with another, they won’t bother us. This is confusing to most people when they first come to the Gold Circle. We work through these things slowly and gently. In addition, you will never be judged for falling into the illusion. We’ve all been there.
In initiation, our emotions go away naturally once we let go of the causal belief. The same is true for unwanted effects. But such mastery of our mind takes time. So you must be patient and be willing to take what you get along the way. Emotions actually become pretty scarce once we let go automatically again. But we need them to get free. So we don’t want to make them go away.
We do not use, or need, any form of muscle testing, divination, or machinery to know the cause of our beliefs. Therapy, self-help programs like those promoted by people like Tony Robbins, or New Age programs like those promoted by Byron Katie or Eckhart Tolle are the opposite of letting go. Unfortunately for me, these types of false teachers make exposing false confusing and difficult. That’s why I had to dive into people’s illusions in order to understand what in the hell they were doing with their minds. They had followed people who presented soothing or success techniques within the illusion as true. They had strong clone voices in their minds; they had conviction regarding their teachers’ belief systems. Consequently, I recommend that you stop following other people while doing the Gold Circle. Only then will you see that the techniques of all the people you followed in the past were false. If you don’t want to continue letting go at some point, you can go back to following others. But you need to step into letting go with both feet in order to see if it’s right for you.
Likewise, if you are on drugs or in rehab, seriously ill, in a cult, following a spiritual teacher or guru, part of a religion, using anything to numb or relieve your emotions, have been programmed by something like MKUltra, or part of a radical political group like ANTIFA, you need to be physically free of such groups or any physicians or therapists who are deprogramming you before you join the Gold Circle. Those people expect you to follow them blindly. They view me as the enemy.
I recommend that you stop doing all practices like yoga, eastern meditation, Tai Chi, or martial arts while doing this program. I don’t require you to stop, but they will hold you back because they all come with beliefs. Letting go will be much harder if you continue to do such practices because people do those practices as a cover for their beliefs. Therefore, the beliefs that they need to let go remain suppressed and projected out.
You can’t treat the false self as true and honor your True Self at the same time. Leaders who teach beliefs, practices, and techniques as the truth don’t like to lose their minions. They have no power without followers to project on. I don’t need followers. In fact, I didn’t want to do this work because I get projected on from the people I try to help. Leaving any group gives you physical freedom from the group. However, leaving a group physically doesn’t clean out your mind or those old false connections with the leaders and others in the group. You will still need to let go of the beliefs that you got from that group.
Freedom for all cannot be achieved if we accept any second-cause beliefs as true. I’m much tougher in the Gold Circle than I can be on social media or in the free material because those platforms aren’t private. But I’m not mean. So don’t be afraid to ask a question in the comments. You are certainly allowed to ask why something is false if you are having trouble understanding what I’m saying. I don’t punish or judge anyone for asking a question. But the answer you get will never support your beliefs. If I don’t expose all the phony techniques and beliefs that serve the illusion, an exit to freedom might close; and my job as the visionary of this program is to keep all exits to freedom wide open. In fact, it’s my intent that the people who are letting go in the Gold Circle will open those exits even wider.
I don’t want you to ever consider yourself a student or disciple. I’m also not your teacher or guru. I want you to view yourself like an ancient initiate who is contributing to the ideal of freedom for all. In my way of sharing and writing, the reader and the writer are equal participants in initiation. There is no superior and inferior in the Gold Circle. I’m letting go of beliefs, and so are you. I’m only the leader because I’ve been doing it longer and have more practice, so I don’t get stuck (or I don’t get stuck for long). I’m also holding the vision of freedom for all. We honor true equality in the Gold Circle. We also honor natural roles like speaking and listening. We don’t honor false roles like doctor, lawyer, guru, etc. We don’t give our power away to people playing false roles of authority. Your letting go is a powerful contribution to the world. This is the most important thing you will ever do…I can assure you of that. You will be amazed at what you ultimately become; you’ll have a lot to give to the world. But again, it will take time to get there.
The Gold Circle will be uncomfortable at times. It’s a rough and rugged adventure for sure. But it’s not unbearable if you are willing to let go of whatever arises. If you are not yet willing to let go of a particular belief system, I suggest that you follow that belief system to the letter for a few months. Do that belief system as if your life depended on it. That will expose the cracks in the belief system. You’ll see that it’s more false than true; you’ll find that there were many things in that belief system that you didn’t want to do. But you ignored that part of the belief system, and you only did the parts that you liked. So you really just need to drop the whole belief system.
If one belief in any belief system is false, or you can’t bring yourself to abide by any aspect of a belief system, then the whole belief system is false. You will come to realize this. I’ve been doing this for thirty plus years. Letting go has always worked, and it has never caused harm. People who tried to claim that it didn’t work or caused harm were lying. It was actually their old belief system that caused the harm. They didn’t want to admit that; but I called out the lie. It’s win win for all for letting go to work. It’s lose lose for all for it not to work. There is no rush to finish initiation. In fact, initiation is the best part of our full-circle story. It’s the happily-ever-after ending part of our story where we become creators again.
What Is In the Gold Circle?
Most of the Gold Circle is broken up into articles and group calls. The calls generally last about two hours. The articles are fairly long to very long. Most are about the size of this article or longer. I break up the articles into shorter bites so that you remember to take letting go breaks. Nearly every paragraph has some serious meat in it. But what brings up beliefs for one person, might do nothing for another; you will have your own unique experience. Your inner initiator will be customizing this program without you ever having to think about it. Whatever needs to come to the surface of your mind will arise at exactly the right time. Your job is to witness your mind so that you notice when those beliefs arise. My writing and speaking act as the catalysts that cause initiation to progress.
This program is divided into seventeen units. I highly recommend that you do those units in the order that they are presented; they build on each other. We start off really easy and gently warm up to the more difficult aspects of letting go. If things get too intense, slow down. You’re not in a race with anyone else. Besides, if you feel emotion, there are beliefs right on the surface to let go. That’s exactly what you want. Too often people have learned to view their emotions as a bad thing; so when they feel emotions, they think they’re doing something wrong. Or they are very practiced in suppressing their emotions, so they do that automatically. That’s programming that you’ll have to catch and let go.
Each unit is the equivalent of one or more typical nonfiction books. In addition, there is a group call and call narrative for each unit. Most people do about a unit a month or every six weeks. If someone isn’t working, they might move more quickly. If they work a lot, they might move more slowly. At any rate, you determine the pace that’s comfortable for you. In addition, there are quick topics that you can do at any time; there’s also a section with prompts for letting go, and there’s a glossary of common initiation words that take you to articles that focus on that particular word. The Gold Circle is very extensive and comprehensive.
My writing is designed to be interactive and to be alive. I call it living writing. You can read an article ten times, and it will bring up new beliefs and memories each time you read it. I don’t ever write to give you beliefs. I don’t write to teach you anything. I write to free you. Sometimes my writing includes answers to common questions about our mental history or the illusion. We have to know where we came from and how we fell in order to get back to our perfection. But in the end, our illusory history was all FALSE.
All of my writing is original material. Occasionally, I quote other writers when I’m decoding a story, or I use a quote to demonstrate how others typically see the topic at hand. Otherwise, what I share with you can be found nowhere else.
The Gold Circle is not a normal reading experience. You will be feeling, discriminating, and letting go as you read. So you can’t use this material in a normal way. You’ll get used to the way of the Gold Circle in time; and you’ll be able to bring that way of feeling, discriminating, and letting go to everything else you do. Ultimately, the way you are in the Gold Circle will start to bleed through your whole life; that’s validation that you are becoming more true and free. People in the illusion move too fast, and they think too much. They give too much weight to knowledge, and they ignore their natural emotional discrimination. We are reversing those bad habits. In time, you’ll start to see the whole world from a different point of view. You won’t be accepting beliefs from anyone anymore. You’ll discriminate all the time.
As we move through the deprogramming process, I demonstrate how topics which are clearly part of the illusion, can be used by the True Self. For example, I used to work as a hypnotherapist. I never did hypnotherapy like other people. I did it to set people free. I got amazing results. My work formed the basis for what I do today. I also show you how to use astrology for freedom; astrology is a part of the illusion. It’s totally an occult tool. However, in my leadership groups, the participants use their astrology charts to find collective beliefs to let go. I share psychological and physical healing from the True Self’s point of view. It’s totally different from medicine or even alternative healing. We look at the metaphors in religions from the East and the West, which you won’t hear from others because they aren’t viewing those stories from the feminine and masculine point of view simultaneously. We discuss politics from the True Self’s point of view, and we look at leadership from the win-win point of view. We expose pseudo-science, which is most of science today. No topic is off limits. We’ll even discuss how you might use a self-help tool like visualization, meditation, or positive thinking in a way that helps you to get free. The normal way of using those techniques binds you into the illusion.
In this program, we don’t run and hide from the illusory world. We don’t deny the illusion; we face it head on. If something or someone bothers us, that thing or person is doing us a favor as initiates. They are showing us beliefs to let go. The world becomes our creative canvass because we come to see everything from the big picture perspective. In the end, we use the illusion; it no longer uses us.
Unlike other techniques and programs, there will never be certified letting go instructors. That’s not appropriate. Initiation cannot be taught. If you choose to help someone let go, you must do it from the feminine role just like I demonstrate. Initiation isn’t about making you a copy of me; it’s about finding out who you truly are. You will most likely become an exposer of some part of the illusion…some part that interests you. You will go much deeper into that topic of interest than I did in my writing. Or you will become an example of one who lives a free life so that others come to realize what is possible. Being the free one in your family or community will become natural; you will lead simply because you see clearly, and you’re not bothered by the challenges or problems that others are believing and manifesting.
You will become someone that motivates others to want to let go. You’re full-circle story will be very interesting. You will create the life that you want to live. You might find that you really love relaxing on the beach, drinking wine, and watching the sunset. A hobby might become a career or major form of expression in your life. The sky is the limit regarding what you might become; but you won’t be like anyone who lives within the borders of the illusion. So until you let go for a while, you might not see your perfect expression. You might feel like you have no true desires. That’s okay; be patient. I had no idea that I’d be doing this until I was actually doing it. We don’t need to plan when we are free minded. We have our inspiration.
When you are free, you won’t need to do anything to maintain that state of mind anymore. So you won’t be letting go for life. Letting go is like cleaning a closet. It’s a lot of work to get rid of the crap that you don’t need and to organize the stuff that you have been keeping in that closet. But after you’re done, if you keep your closet neat and clean, you don’t have to clean it ever again. As long as you don’t run off and join a cult, you won’t have to clean up your mind again.
Many people have told me that they could never stick to anything in the past. But they want to stick with letting go. They do enjoy that clean closet feeling. That’s great validation that letting go works, and it provides constant progress and benefits. Others have told me that they hated politics or religion, or even history, before the Gold Circle. Now they love those topics because life becomes interesting when you see any part of it from the True Self’s perspective. Every topic is really about people; and people are very interesting.
I’ve already provided the basics of letting go and vaguely explained how we got into this mess in the free information. I also provided basic techniques that anyone could follow in No Labels No Lies. In the Gold Circle, I go into those same topics with much more detail, precision, and depth. So, you should have already read the free No Labels No Lies information. I wrote the free material so that people would know what they were getting into if they decided to go all the way to freedom with my support. The free material is invaluable. In the Gold Circle, I’m providing a lot more detailed explanations, more techniques and tools, and many more examples. I cover far more topics, and I use terminology that becomes familiar after a while. You don’t have to be an expert at letting go to join the Gold Circle, just familiar with what you are choosing. There aren’t any tests in the Gold Circle, so don’t worry about that. Life does the testing for you; and you’ll have plenty of challenges supplied by life along the way.
I say things in the Gold Circle that are not appropriate for general public consumption. What I’m saying would make no sense to someone who is not at least vaguely familiar with letting go, roles, emotions, beliefs being lies, psychological reversal, discrimination, the occult, and initiation. I had to create a new vocabulary to bring initiation back. Some of the words that I use are new (my creation), but most are old words that were lost or hijacked by the occultists over time. For that reason, you cannot allow people to read the Gold Circle articles who are not in the program. Nor can they listen to the calls. They would just learn what I say and put my words into their mind as the truth. That will make them less free, not more free. You will do harm to them if you do that. If you want to help others, you must expose false; you must follow my example. Don’t fall into the guru, spiritual teacher, or advisor trap. You’ll actually be very busy with your own mind and life. So you’ll probably want to remain in your own lane.
Likewise, you cannot take this information and add it to something you might be teaching or have done in the past that’s part of the illusion. Again, you will do harm to others if you do that. If people want to learn about letting go, and you can’t expose their beliefs as false because they are too stuck, send them to the free material. Help them find a good starting article. I always recommend that they start with the oldest articles and work toward the newest ones in No Labels No Lies. We never want to coax someone into initiation. They need to choose it for themselves just like we did. Let others decide if they want to let go or not. We must always honor the free will of others in initiation. If you start imposing letting go on to others, you’ve turned letting go into an illusory technique. It will lose its power for you.
Even though you know the big secret, that emotions mean that the beliefs you’re thinking are false, it can be hard to get your mind to work that way. We’ve been holding on to beliefs and suppressing emotions for a long time. Our beliefs basically cover three levels: personal, relationships with others, and the collective society. In the Gold Circle, we dive into a variety of topics for each of those levels. We work on all three levels at the same time because that’s the quickest way to freedom. We also work on the masculine and feminine mindsets at the same time.
We are going to look at many controversial collective topics in a mature way: projection, abortion, racism, transgenderism, guns, drugs, debt, socialism/communism, pedophilia, slavery, social justice, political correctness, politics, lies we were taught in education, borders, globalism, climate change, conspiracy theories, aliens, parenting, fake science, terrorism, war, deception, mind control, etc. These topics often sit in our mind in a very one-sided way. Everyone has their opinions about these topics. We go beyond the typical right-and-wrong point of view; we look for the win win at the top of the triangle, and we let go of both sides of the normal point of view.
We’ll also cover many other topics including: initiation and the occult, creating our life, God in many forms, writing for freedom, reading for freedom, eliminating labels, our own personal rule book, finding a great career, relationships, astrology, psychology, working with the characters (voices) in our mind, scary voices, mythology and stories, lifestyle, money and abundance, the soul, the mind, health and healing, beauty, food and diet, exercise and fitness, the eastern trap, roles, sharing letting go, leadership, birth and death, coming full circle with our own story, and much more. I provide mental games to play, guided sessions, questions, challenges, and tools all along the way.
We’ll look at countless real-life examples so that you can see how any word or topic shifts as we move from the physical, literal perspective through the false-mental perspective to the true-mental perspective. Until we make the shift to the true-mental perspective, we’re not done with a topic. Once we’ve made that shift to the true-mental realm, whatever we say or do will be just fine. We’ll no longer be acting, projecting, or manifesting from false clone voices. Our OWN false self will now be supporting our True Self. Our false self will become our first-cause creative instrument again. That’s how our minds were naturally designed.
The Vision
Given that initiation is like nothing else you’ve done before, it’s essential that you come to the Gold Circle with a pioneering, freedom-loving spirit, a truly open mind, and a willingness to move to a whole new perspective of life. Only join me on this journey to freedom if you feel aligned with my vision. The vision for the Gold Circle, and the Golden Gateway, is as follows:
The Gold Circle is a real, virtual space carved out of the illusory world, where it is possible and probable that everyone can get free if they are willing to challenge their old beliefs by facing them head on, willing to expose those beliefs until they know they are false, and willing to let them all go. The Gold Circle is an exit from the illusion. In this space, freedom is the ultimate desire. Freedom includes creating whatever you desire (so long as it is win win for everyone else). That means that you will be working toward becoming the author, director, editor, producer, and lead actor of your own full-circle life story. Freedom includes mastering your body and living in perfect health; it also means having extraordinary relationships that work. Freedom means that you have achieved the Greek ultimate state, which was to “Know Thyself.” Freedom means that you have abundance, and you feel safe and secure in the world regardless of the state of the illusion. It means that your True Self leads the way so that you are one with the Creator again. Freedom means that you have compassion and caring for others; you no longer judge or want to change others. Other people just don’t bother or affect you anymore. Freedom includes the ability to expose the illusion as false with courage and authenticity; that’s the initiate’s gift to others.That’s a gift of unconditional love. Freedom is having a true vision for your life; and that vision fits perfectly into the greater collective, Heaven on Earth vision.
Now let me be clear. The vision of the Gold Circle and the Golden Gateway is meant to be very expansive. It offers unlimited potential, but it’s not a guarantee. I offer information that centers around initiation and letting go just like you’d read in any book. I offer techniques that have worked for myself or others. But they’ll do nothing for you if you don’t use them to let go. They’ll also do nothing for you if you modify them to become like other techniques that you’ve learned within the illusion. You are going to have to catch any tendency to want to force initiation into your old mindset. Sadly, this is trickier than it seems because the teachings of the initiates were hijacked by the occult; and much of what I say could sound familiar.
What you get out of the Gold Circle is largely up to you. That’s important; and I designed the Gold Circle that way for your benefit. You’re going to be bringing the story of your life full circle. You’re going to be making sense of everything that has happened to you in this life or any past life. You want the credit for your achievement, and you completely deserve it all. But that means that you also must assume the responsibility if you choose to do nothing or if you diminish the power of a technique by doing it in a way that serves the clone voices in your mind. You also have to assume responsibility for your past; you can’t blame others or play the victim card anymore.
If along the way, you decide that you don’t want freedom, don’t feel bad. That’s fine. I won’t think any less of you. I will not even try to convince you to stick around. If you are one who likes to play games like threatening leaving, don’t bother. I don’t play games. You have total freedom in my world. The Gold Circle is not a cult; no one is going to entrap you. In fact, the Gold Circle is just the opposite of a cult. Cults are created with beliefs; and we are letting go of all beliefs.
My role as the creator of the Gold Circle is to make sure that whatever goes into the Gold Circle is consistently moving everyone in the direction that I’ve described in the vision statement above. You may find that at some point, you want to detour into the illusion and live in good and evil, right and wrong, or win and lose again. You might find that you don’t want to stop judging something or someone. Or you could hit a belief system that you don’t want to let go. I call that hitting a wall. If that happens, you will probably feel uncomfortable in the Gold Circle. You would be resisting moving closer to freedom in a space that focuses entirely on letting go and freedom. That’s fine. Now you must choose. Do you challenge this wall and let go of more beliefs and more illusion; or do you let go of letting go and exit the Gold Circle? You can’t do both; and if you try, you’ll make yourself very uncomfortable, confused, or even feel like you are going crazy. You can’t hold on and let go at the same time.
Everyone is welcome to join the Gold Circle as long as they meet the above recommendations. You can join even if you left my life, or mentoring program, earlier in an angry rage because you hated what I told you to let go. I don’t hang on to the past. I also never hold on to any judgment toward me from another. I welcome people back into my life; in fact, I’m always happy when they come back. I know that people who judged me unfairly in the past simply weren’t being themselves. They were stuck in the illusion; and they couldn’t understand what I was saying. That being said, I still stand by whatever I told you to let go. I still won’t accept your beliefs or practices as true. Freedom will never include beliefs, not even the beliefs that you think you love. It will also never include practices that are designed by another. It’s about trusting your own True Self.
You must also understand that you are entering the Gold Circle at your own risk and responsibility. In truth, there is no risk. Beliefs are what create risk; letting go removes all the risk from our lives. But that is often hard for people to understand or grasp. I’m not giving you any beliefs. I’m not programming you. I’m doing the opposite. But because of the crazy way we’ve been trained to use our minds, programming often feels comfortable. People join cults all the time without feeling any discomfort. It’s deprogramming and exposing the beliefs that they got in those cults that’s perceived as uncomfortable. That’s a lie that you will expose in time.
Warning: The Gold Circle is never a substitute for medical advice. If you need such care, you are encouraged to seek it out immediately. You can always let go later on. You can’t let go if you are dead. Also if the Gold Circle ever feels like it is getting too intense, cancel or pause your membership, and take a break. You won’t hurt my feelings. I completely understand the normal discomforts of this process. I’ve been there myself.
Most of the time, we are not in a life threatening situation. So before you take action, or fix the effects, you usually have the time to try to let go. If letting go doesn’t work for some reason, follow your beliefs to the letter; or get the help you need from someone with authority or expertise in the illusion. But vow to let go after the fact so that the same situation doesn’t happen to you again. That results in progress; and any progress is great progress. Remember, the rest of the world is adding beliefs to their mind every single day; taking anything out of our mind is going to save us from some unwanted effects in the future.
Your job is to be responsible for your own well being, but also to challenge yourself as much as you can. In many ways, initiation is an internal war. It’s a war between your True Self and your old programmed mind…those damn clone voices. The True Self has no weapons; all it can do is expose the false mind as false. Initiation is not easy because the false mind, which includes those clone voices, has lots of tricks and traps to support its false point of view. Many of those tricks and traps will be ways of scaring you or upsetting you. The main weapons of the clone characters are deception, manipulation, distraction, redirection, demands, threats, guilt, shame, blame, fear, and temptation. We become immune to all of those weapons in initiation. But it takes time.
There will absolutely be times when you want to quit. There will be times when you hate me. You have to decide moment to moment if you want to continue toward freedom or stop and live within the illusion. Your commitment is only one month at a time. If you stop your mind in those emotionally frantic moments, discriminate, and let go, you’ll see that it was just false voices trying to keep control over your mind, body, and life.
Let me say this one more time: You can’t screw up by letting go. You can’t let go of your True Self. That is impossible. If you don’t let go, you’ll just get what you were going to get anyway. So you’ll see what your beliefs were creating, and now you’ll have the feedback to work on letting go of that topic. Always remember that letting go never causes problems. It can’t. It can only take problems away. Problems and suffering are all part of the illusion. If you get problems in initiation, it’s because you are resisting letting go and holding on; that’s normal. Don’t be hard on yourself when you get problems. Just get back to letting go.
This is what I know for sure. Your future will be better than it would have been if you had not let go, even if you don’t go all the way. If you remember that, it quiets your “need to get it done right now” voices. Also, I’ll help you to keep score mentally and to notice validation. That way, you will see your progress more easily.
I Do Want Initiation. So How Do I Join?
If after all of that, you still have a question about the program, you can email me by using the contact page on the new site. Here is the link: httpss://initiation.gatewaytogold.com/contact-cathy/. You will notice that it says that questions are for members only, but this is the one exception to that restriction. That being said, keep your questions to the Gold Circle. I do not answer personal questions or give advice. Do not tell me your story and ask me what one thing you need to let go. The Gold Circle is designed so that you can find your own causal beliefs. It’s meant to help you find your own answers. Your independence and freedom is the win win for both of us.
The investment for the Gold Circle is $40 per month. I lowered the price from $50 after I stopped doing the group calls. On occasion, I may surprise everyone and do a group call in order to get to know the people in the program. But I don’t promise them anymore. It mostly depends on my schedule.
Once you sign up, the billing will happen automatically until you cancel your membership. Buying a membership assumes that you have read this page, and you agree to what I’ve written. There are no refunds. I’m not looking to create an accounting or technical support job for myself. If this work isn’t fun, I’ll just go do something else. I don’t need to do this for me; I already know how to get free.
If money is tight for you at this time, I suggest that you keep working on the free material with a focus on money. Many people found the money to join my old private mentoring program, which was much more expensive than the Gold Circle, by doing exactly that. This is not a charity because charities are fixated on problems. Consequently, the Gold Circle fees are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. However, they could be deductible as a business expense if you are an entrepreneur. I highly encourage entrepreneurship, and we work toward that end in the Golden Gateway.
I hope you love the Gold Circle, and I hope that it helps you to feel part of something that is moving toward freedom for all. Most important, make this a fun journey. Take delight in each insight or accomplishment. Realize that this quest for freedom, and completion of your story, is your life purpose. If you succeed in freedom, you will have done something that virtually no one else does or has done. You will be part of .00001% or less. So don’t be hard on yourself when the going gets tough. Know that freedom is possible; and the greatest joy will be knowing that you did this yourself. No one will ever take your initiation experience away from you. No one will ever be able to put you down again.
Now after all of that, if you still want to go on this adventure with me, here is the link: httpss://initiation.gatewaytogold.com
When you get on to the home page, scroll down to the three masks and choose the one that says “Join Gold Circle.” Before you do that, however, you should scroll down below the masks and explore the letting go prompts and the glossary of terms. That way, you’ll know where those are, and you can come back to them when you need a break from reading or listening to group calls. Also, you’ll want to bookmark that website. It is separate from the normal Gateway To Gold website. So if you don’t bookmark it, you’ll have to come back to this article to access it. I don’t display the link to the new site in obvious places because I want to keep the traffic to members only. In addition, after you login, you will return to the home page. You must select the Gold Circle archives from the top menu bar. You won’t automatically go to the articles. That is because you may want to play with the glossary or the letting go prompts. Also, the Golden Gateway members login the same way; they just make a different choice to access the articles.
You are about to take a huge step to a life that you probably never imagined. Enjoy the journey. I’m happy to have you with me. Life is great outside of the illusion.
Much love, Cathy
I don’t ask people for testimonials. I get a lot of thank you notes, and I get a fair number of apologies when people blame letting go for something that someone in their past actually caused; but I don’t usually think to post them publicly. They often have private information in them. Nevertheless, they are always sweet to receive. Most people just want to tell me how letting go has helped them. They thank me for giving them their life back. People get different things out of letting go. But the notes always share the same sentiment that they’ve come back home or found something rare like a diamond or a piece of gold. Most acknowledge that they aren’t totally “there” yet, but they now realize that they are traveling in the direction that they always wanted to go.
There is something I call a point of no return. People often write to me when they hit that point. It’s when they are so clear about initiation that they know they can’t ever go back to their old way of thinking or living. There is nothing that they want from the illusion anymore. I thought I’d share a few testimonial emails that I’ve received that aren’t too personal. I’ve removed the names from each of them; they were all actually fine with me publishing their names, but I just feel better keeping people who write to me anonymous.
This was unique email from someone that I mentored for a while, and then a few years past. Eventually, they joined the Gold Circle. It provides some sound advice for someone participating in the Gold Circle. Most of these were responses to a question that I asked the original group: What would you say to others who are about to join the Gold Circle?
I have known Cathy for almost 10 years. I have seen her writing and life change as she moves to freedom. Cathy uses her writing and practices. Not only is she showing you how you can do this yourself, but she uses letting go, western mediation, the truth, win/win and many other techniques to live from the mental prospective.
Initially, I took Cathy’s words into my mind and knew they were true but did not do the work. Yes, there is work that only you can do. Her writing helps you to achieve life from the mental level, with unconditional love and the truth. By reading what Cathy wrote, I let go of roles: mother, daughter, wife, teacher, whatever. I have a 20 year old daughter. I let go of the mother role with her years ago. We don’t always agree. She is a creative adult with her own life. I don’t try to control that or give her advice. She reflects, and I let go of what I feel (emotion)…good or bad. My physical relationship is closer with her than ever. No, we don’t live together, but we have unconditional love that all parents want with their children.
I’m glad I gave the Gold Circle a try. We do connect with our wisdom if we do the mental work. Thank you, Cathy.
Here’s another comment that is interesting because it focuses on judgment. People don’t realize that judgment is very unproductive and even unhealthy for us. It causes problems in all areas of our life. But our false minds won’t tell us that. By letting go of judgment, you come to realize the price you pay for engaging in such thinking.
Joining Cathy’s programs was the best decision I ever made. It’s hard to describe how much it helped me. One example of something it helped me with was judgment. It was a topic that looked like it should be easy to resolve, but it wasn’t for me. I couldn’t seem to get rid of the labels I had given others and the ones others had given me.
Enter Cathy; she discusses the topic in many different ways. By the end of the Gold Circle, judgment didn’t rule my life the same way anymore. I realized that some things I labeled judgment weren’t even judgment and thoughts I didn’t originally see as judgment actually were. It was shocking at times, but that’s what made the Gold Circle so great; its material I’ve never read anywhere else. It gives you a pure perspective on so many topics and the comfort to explore them in your own life at your own pace.
This was a comment from someone who uses letting go in her work as an artist. It gives you an idea of what might be a preview of coming attractions for you. I’ve watched her work improve greatly, and I’ve watched as her art has come to support her financially.
I let go every morning before I go to the easel. I have to let go of the words and thoughts before painting. I don’t want to put emotions or concepts or anything like that on to the canvas. It’s quite difficult to explain to people because for most people art is conceptual. Modern art seems to be more about talking about it, conveying ideas or concepts, or marketing. I don’t have words to explain my painting, other than it’s beyond or behind words. If there are words or beliefs swirling around in my mind that I haven’t yet let go of, I don’t paint. I’ve just realized that those beliefs or thoughts would be the last thing I want to put on the canvas, nor do I want to strengthen that reality. It’s quite lovely being free of beliefs and then seeing what I come up with from within.
This one was from a gamer who has a unique point of view. A lot of gamers are attracted to my work; they often game as children, because they innately view life as a game. Gamers often love my decodes of movies, especially “The Matrix.” Most people don’t notice that Neo never got rid of his neck portal, but Mr. Smith did. So who actually got free? Nevertheless, it was a fun movie to decode; and it really helped people to see how easily they have fallen into other people’s false illusory traps.
I’ve been letting go for more than 7 years and it’s the greatest thing ever…this is what I was always looking for in my life that was missing and has answered EVERY question that I had been seeking to resolve in my life.
By using Cathy’s material to let go, I’ve sorted out areas in every aspect of my life that I can think of that used to be a mess or confusing to me. I haven’t gone to a doctor in many years because letting go has shown me how to use my emotions properly; I’m actually able to find the real causes which are the beliefs that made me sick in the first place. Cathy’s material (through her articles, group calls, and mentoring) has all helped me to become healthier, happier, and so much more honest. I have much more freedom in my life and my relationships feel way more meaningful and authentic.
One of my favorite articles that Cathy wrote was her decode of the popular movie, “The Matrix.” To be honest, all of her articles are amazing; but this particular article jumped out at me because when I originally saw that movie, I really identified with the main character, Neo. But by the time I finished reading her article, I could see how there were so many beliefs that I had accepted that prevented me from seeing a totally different perspective. By the end of the movie, I was wishing I had identified more with Mr. Smith.
The last thing I want to say is letting go is so much easier than all of the techniques and people I’ve followed and trusted in the past. It really is a natural thing, but it’s been hard to see sometimes because of how much knowledge I’d learned before letting go that I thought was necessary when it actually wasn’t. It really is unschooling of the mind; and as more time goes by I’m feeling more and more like myself. It’s hard to explain everything because it’s such a part of my lifestyle now; but I can say that Cathy is a very loving person and has given so much to help others have freedom.
This is short and simple. It shows that the person has had a radical change of view and has saved a lot of money.
We have all been programmed so that our minds work in a way that is unnatural. We are creators. But we are programmed to forget that, and instead we manifest problems for ourselves, others, and in the collective. Cathy’s Unschool is the place for deprogramming. It happens gradually, reversing what has accumulated over a lifetime. It is the end of seeking. Here we learn (unlearn?) to uncover our True Self. (p.s. In the long run I save WAY more money on supplements and fixing problems than I have ever spent on Cathy’s program.)